Tag Archives: Double Penetration

Merry Xmas everyone, LITC chapter four, “Demonic Interrogation” free release!

Hi all. I wanted to stop by and post here to wish you all a Merry Xmas once again. I posted two new holiday themed side renders on my various pages for you all to enjoy last night, along with a third new one that is not Xmas themed… which I just posted now. I hope you all liked those – and the plan now is that I will try to finish the seventh anniversary mini-set next week… I should hopefully be able to get that done before the end of the month. I will do what I can, and we will see how it goes; not sure if the mini-set preview for the mini-set next month will get posted this month or not yet… we will see about that as well.

It would really be nice to get votes in the polls… although I already had to just test it myself – it seems to work fine; there just are no votes this month for whatever reason… which is extremely disheartening all around.

And even though people seem uninterested right now due to the lack of votes, I still feel the need to give out a new free story set again this year – though I seriously considered not doing so. Details and the link are after the break, for those interested.
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October mini-set preview is up!

Hey again. I posted a few new side renders last night, after it became apparent that I simply would not have time to fix the rest right now – and that I needed to take what time I had left to prepare the new mini-set preview… but do check those out if you have not already; I quite like them overall, especially the new Halloween render. ๐Ÿ™‚ Regardless though, the new mini-set preview is below, and it stars Lucia this time; in her first tentacle mini-set ever… and her first real encounter with tentacles since one of my earliest, pre-RTL story sets. (That feels like a really, really long time ago – and it seems so distant now…) It should be quite fun – and we will see how it all turns out when it is finished; but you can check out the tags on this post to see what I have planned right now, in case you can’t guess already.

As for the more detailed story/setup – there is only a few paragraphs or so this time (for the moment, I may expand it a bit later, not sure – but this seems good for now)… but here that is: Lucia was searching a seemingly abandoned house when she came across a secret door that led to a strange basement. It looked like some kind of strange little church had been set up, with a small box on an altar – and a second, larger one in the center of the room. The chests around the room were locked tight, and she wasn’t sure what was in the bottles that lined the back cabinet… so that left nothing of note except the boxes themselves. The small box felt like it was empty, and Lucia couldn’t seem to get it open without the risk of damaging it. So, she approached the larger box in the center of the room and gave it a closer look… as the catgirl’s ears could hear something moving inside the larger box. Lucia figured there was no major risk, and so she flipped the lid off the box – unleashing the magical tentacle creature that was waiting inside.

The slimy tentacles lashed out with a bright flash, and grabbed the catgirl’s legs before she could move away… and some of it’s other appendages started stretching towards her nether holes – intent on sating itself, and attempting to breed her – not knowing that it was effectively impossible in Lucia’s case. Still though, it could fuck her senseless – which might lead to her getting caught trespassing; which would almost certainly be bad. The cute kitty tried to pry the fleshy limbs off, but there were too many, and it was surprisingly strong for it’s size… so she figured she may as well try to enjoy it – she had “played” with a similar tentacle creature a while back; so Lucia had some idea of what was to come. Her tight catgirl holes were repeatedly violated by the long, squishy tentacles, and each hole got subsequently filled with several dozen loads of the tentacle creature’s thick and stinky seed.ย  What she didn’t know was that she had wandered into a secret cult headquarters, below an allegedly “haunted” house in the small town she was in; one in which a dozen young women in the town worshiped this very tentacle monster each night – and did all they could to bear it’s offspring, while receiving the immense pleasure it offered them.

The curvy catgirl, however, had no intention of doing either… and planned to make a break for it the moment the creature was satisfied enough to loosen it’s grip. After almost two hours though, it was still having it’s way with her… and she was enjoying it a little too much; this creature had learned extensively about how best to pleasure a female – and she was in no real hurry to leave anymore. Somehow, she ended up staying until night fell – and after several hours and almost a dozen intense orgasms, the catgirl’s pointy ears could hear footsteps above her – and Lucia knew she had to leave while she could. She barely managed to get away from the creature before the cult members found her – and used a conveniently unlocked emergency escape tunnel that was behind a door on the back wall to escape detection. Lucia had once again let her feline curiosity get the better of her… but as per usual, she had somehow managed to avoid any serious consequences. The lusty young women came downstairs moments later and were confused as to why their “god” was already out and active – but within moments, they no longer cared; these cultists had been trained well, and were not ones to ask questions when there was pleasure to be had. Instead, they went back to what they did every night – having untamed tentacle sex, and putting any babies they had into similar boxes that they made during the day… and sending them far and wide; to spread their god’s love to all the women they could.

So that was the setup for this one, I hope those who read it enjoyed it – and we will see what ends up being in the full mini-set whenever it is done next month. I have no idea when I will be back to post the next set of polls – as I am just totally drained at the moment and need a few days to recover. I also hope to get the remaining side renders situated late this week, and then fit in the anniversary mini-set if I can before finishing this mini-set; but we will see what happens.

As usual, if by some chance anyone else out there would actually like to help support me and/or my work on all sorts of new content; and/or perhaps even get access to the most recent of these mini-sets and/or lots of other rewards too, like the remaining finished story sets, and larger versions of the completed animations I have made/posted, and/or the full games I have also made. (The micro VN and Saluneโ€™s Slave Training are still available via my Patreon page; not sure what else may come in the future at this point…) Regardless, check out my updated Patreon page!: https://www.patreon.com/redleatherart

Any interest, comments, follows, likes, votes, or support really does help. It is hard to keep making new stuff when nobody seems to care. Following me on DA/slushe/twitter/whatever doesn’t cost anything – and that all does help spread the word about my work; so please consider doing some of that if you haven’t already.

April 2021 mini-set preview available!

Yo. I have returned with the new mini-set preview, which is below; [EDIT: Second preview added!] and this month, it will feature the cute magical foxgirl, Nylavi – along with two hot, young elven males who were sent to appease her! ๐Ÿ˜€

For those who like a bit more of a written setup, here you go:ย  Late one night near the end of the month, Nylavi was impatiently waiting for her tribute to arrive from the nearby elven village. They were a day later than usual – but sometimes ran late due to the weather, or some other complication; but so far, they had never failed to appease her – so there was no real reason to worry. Of course, Nylavi did not really need the food, jewellery, or other boring tribute items anywhere near as much as she needed the companionship… and the semen. The lusty foxgirl was already over 32, and had yet to bear any children… and while she would live well over a few hundred years, Nylavi was desperate to have a child; since the sooner she did, the sooner she could retire from her position as a forest guardian, and go live as she pleased. Even if she had one soon, it would be around twenty years before they were ready/able to take over her job… so she prayed constantly each day to the goddess of the forest to grant her children. Sadly, it wasn’t easy for her to try overly often, as she only met a handful of travelers each month… and the only truly reliable source of semen were the young elven men who brought her an allotment of sundries and presents each month. She almost always had sex with them… and forced them to stay with her for several days – and she also coerced most other males she came across to do the same; and very, very few ever even tried to refuse her.

The sun was now setting, and she let out a deep sigh – figuring that her primary entertainment for the month wouldn’t arrive today either… until she heard the telltale creaking of cart wheels coming up the small hill where she usually stayed. She quickly sat down by the stone circle, and tried to act composed, and mysterious – as the elves usually expected of her; though in reality, she desperately wanted to just pounce on the man that was approaching… immediately. However – her entire body flushed with heat, and her pussy twitched with excitement, as she finally saw not one, but two hot young studs; Nylavi wanted to cry, she was just so very happy. The fox guardian was terribly lonely most of the time… and she desperately craved new things, and proper companionship – and it would seem that the elves had finally caught on and sent her two men, instead of just one. She was never supposed to ask for anything directly, as her compensation was already part of her contract… but the foxgirl had obviously hinted at wanting more playmates – and at long last, it had happened! She would now show these two brave elves what would happen when the forest guardian was truly pleased – and give them levels of pleasure that would likely ruin them for any normal woman… which will hopefully encourage them to come back more often. Nylavi planned to keep them both here for three days at least – and waste as little of their precious seed as possible… although she did want to taste some as well, as it had been a long time since she last tasted elf cum… and right now she had two males to provide it! The next few days would be so much fun… and she would do her best to revel in it while she could; but for now, she gave the two elves permission to approach her, and present themselves to her properly…

In case you can’t guess from the base situation, and/or from Nylavi’s bio, you can check the tags on this post for an idea of what I plan to include here – although that may change later; I have only barely started at this point, so there is a lot up in the air still. (It is also worth noting that one of the elf guys in here is circumcised, and one is not – as people seemed to prefer more of a mix in regard to foreskin… so here ya go.) I wanted to do another threesome mini-set, as it has been basically a year since I did the last one (the summer themed one, with Delfina, James, and Tabitha) – and it was also high time that I featured Nylavi in another mini-set, so that is what I did; and so far, so good… and I hope this will turn out as nicely as the previous threesome mini-set did. ๐Ÿ™‚

We will see what ends up happening next month… but I just feel totally drained right now. I will try and come redo the polls in a few days – not that it seems to matter much.

Again – any interest, comments, follows, likes, votes, or support really does help. It is hard to keep making stuff when nobody seems to care. Following me on DA/slushe/twitter doesn’t cost anything – and does help spread the word about my work… so please consider doing some of that if you haven’t already.

As per usual – if anyone out there would actually like to help support me and/or my work on all sorts of new content; and/or perhaps even get access to several of these mini-sets and/or lots of other rewards too, like the other finished story sets, and larger versions of the completed animations I have made/posted, and/or the full games I have also made. (The micro VN and Saluneโ€™s Slave Training are still available via my Patreon page; and I am doing what I can on the new game with whatever time I may be able to spare – if any…) Regardless, check out my updated Patreon page!: https://www.patreon.com/redleatherart

March 2021 mini-set preview is up!

Hey. I have the new mini-set preview done slightly early – at least compared to the past several months; and that preview is below! This new mini-set for March features my curvy succubus OC, Helenya – who is out walking Zayla’s pet minotaur, Tiny. (Together again for the first time since my seventh ever image set, six years ago – where they were both introduced; and it’s kinda weird to think about it like that… doesn’t seem like it’s been that long.) EDIT: Second preview is now also below! ๐Ÿ˜€

As for the story/setup, Zayla want’s him to get enough exercise… but she is often too busy to walk him all the time – so sometimes she had Helenya do it for her. Of course, Zayla is well aware of the almost guaranteed outcome of sending two sex-obsessed creatures out alone together… but she doesn’t much care. It isn’t like either of them can hurt each other… which is rare in both cases – and fortunately for the two of them, they are also quite good at satisfying each other. Helenya was the one who found Tiny, and brought him to Zayla, after all – so it was only fair to let her ‘play’ with him every so often. The sexy brown succubus always enjoys coaxing a thick load or three out of Zayla’s hung pet – almost as much as she enjoys drinking it, or having her pussy, womb, and ass filled with his thick, salty cream. They were effectively guaranteed to have an impressive amount of sex whenever Zayla sent them off together – but that was why she never bothered asking what made them take five hours or more to walk around the outside of her lair… which she knew only really took like 30 minutes. ๐Ÿ˜€

You can check the tags on this post to see what I plan to include here – although I am not sure I want to actually make a “tailjob” tag… so I just put it down as a handjob for now. I hope you all enjoy the preview, and as always – this mini-set will go out to appropriate patrons of mine starting with main rewards next month… whenever those get sent. (Which will likely be quite late, if the next few days go according to plan.)

In regard to other/upcoming things, I am theoretically on track to get a few previews for a new story set done soon – not totally sure if that will get done before the end of the month though. I will do the best I can, and post those whenever they are done. Also/again, more votes in the polls on the right would be appreciated. Anyway, hopefully I will be back soon with something new – so do check back for that.

As I usually mention – if anyone out there would like to help support me and/or my work on all sorts of new content; and/or perhaps even get access to several of these mini-sets and/or lots of other rewards too, like the other finished story sets, and larger versions of the completed animations I have made/posted, and/or the full games I have also made. (The micro VN and Saluneโ€™s Slave Training are still available via my Patreon page; and I am doing what I can on the new game with whatever time I may be able to spare – if any…) Regardless, check out my updated Patreon page!: https://www.patreon.com/redleatherart

Merry Xmas – LITC chapter three, “Elf Hunting” free release!

Hi again. Merry Christmas everyone – I know it has been rough getting here this year! As some of you have probably guessed based on last year, I am going ahead and freely releasing chapter three of LITC today for everyone as a bit of a Christmas present this year… not least of which because 2020 was such a shitfest and I think everyone could use a little something to help ease that pain – so here that is. ๐Ÿ˜€

The basic summary of the plot is that in this chapter, Helenya captures the pregnant half-elf from the previous chapter, and has a bit of fun with her (partly for fun, and partly to get some lust energy) before bringing her back to join the other girls that the succubus has gathered. Check the tags on this post for an idea of what is in this set, and the download link is at the bottom of this post, after the ‘Continue reading’ break. (The password to the archive is still “redleatherart”.)

Also, please keep in mind that this story set is almost two years old by this point… so obviously these older renders are not quite as nice as my more recent works. I do hope to get back into working on these soon – but we will just have to see what happens; I simply have not had the time lately for anything but the side renders and mini-sets. (Or much support/interest…) I will see what 2021 brings – but I plan to try and make a few changes to some things as it is… maybe that will help things get a bit better. I am of course aware that 2020 has been a total mess for most people, and therefore not a great gauge of much – so it is what it is.

Here are the original LITC 3 previews, re-posted for convenience as well; (two clean, two story) and after the break under them is the download link! Side note – if you want to see more of this new story arc, (it currently goes up to chapter five) or if you would like to support my assorted works, and/or perhaps get access to some of my other paid content, then check out my Patreon page!: https://www.patreon.com/redleatherart

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November mini-set preview posted!

Hey. I am back one last time this month, with the first preview for the new mini-set for November… which features the curvy MILF alchemist Faye and some lusty tentacles! It has been far too long since I did a tentacle mini-set… and no, the vines from the mini-set two months ago don’t count. Also, it was Faye’s turn to star in a mini-set… and so everything just worked out nicely. (I also wanted to bring back the “Box o’ Tentacles” from a few previous mini-sets… a concept that I have refined over time – and rather like.) I think this will be quite fun, and I really like it already, and I hope you all like it as well! ๐Ÿ™‚ [EDIT: Second preview added!]

As for the story/setup, it is a bit more simple this time – to help counterbalance the long one last month. But it is still a few paragraphs, so I have put it after the โ€˜Continue readingโ€ฆโ€ tag below โ€“ click that to see the preview/setup story!

Continue reading

New June mini-set preview is here!

Hi again. I am here with the preview for the new mini-set for June – and it stars Karen in a solo mini-set, and it is sort of a sequel to the ‘social distancing’ render I posted a couple months ago on slushe and such. (Again, mini-sets are not really ‘canon’ – it is all side stories and fun stuff; but given the world situation right now, I felt the need to do this. It was Karen’s turn to star this month, and it was also time to do a solo thing… so this was just what came to mind.) The preview image is below, [EDIT: Second preview now added!] and I hope you all enjoy it. ๐Ÿ™‚

The setup for this is as follows – there was a plague making the rounds in Lithorca; everyone seemed to be getting sick and dying, and at first nobody knew what to do… so everyone stayed inside, and wore masks and gloves. A month later though – people seem to be fine so long as they don’t go out and get near others… which is really hard on Karen. She has been staying at a friend’s house (the rich lesbian girl from mini-set 18) for almost two months now… and her situation is really starting to get to her. Karen desperately wants to go back to working at the brothel – and getting tons of sex… but that just wasn’t safe or possible right now; especially due to her advanced pregnancy. Her friend’s head maid had even come by yesterday and talked to her – warning Karen that she could give birth any time now… and that she needed to be ready for that. The head maid had also brought her a bassinet and some blankets, just in case she needed it… along with a louder service bell – for her to ring if she felt her contractions start.

Her friend was rich, and very generous at least – and she had her maids bring Karen all sorts of fancy fruits and expensive food, so she had been well cared for… but her head maid forbade them from ‘physical contact’; it was just too dangerous, even though they both had been sheltered and isolated for months – she did not want to risk her mistress’s health. She wouldn’t even let Karen borrow any of her friend’s toys, so she had to just make do with her hands for the time being. There were no male servants in her mansion either… so Karen hadn’t gotten a good fucking in almost two months – which was almost unbearable; it was by far the longest she had been without sex for several years. The pregnant courtesan wasn’t one of the most popular girls in the city for nothing… she had quite the appetite – and saw any customer, regardless of race. She basically saw double the customers that the other girls did… even while she was pregnant – and despite her only being a human.

The maids caught Karen crying a lot lately… and so they brought her pretty flowers, books, plants, and even expensive wine to try and cheer her up… but she was still very frustrated and depressed from her lack of any good action. Fortunately, the pregnant courtesan managed to convince the head maid to let one of the other girls from the brothel bring some of her things by… which she did. Her other friend had brought her a box of her favorite toys, as well as her favorite teddy bear. This would at least help make her feel a little better; they weren’t real cocks – but they would have to do. At least she had something to help her pass the time a bit better now; she just hoped that the fun she was about to have wouldn’t cause her to go into labor…

PSA: ~ To everyone currently dealing with the whole social distancing/self-isolation thing – hang in here. ๐Ÿ™‚

Obviously I have no idea what this will end up containing just yet… but check the tags for an idea of what my plan is right now. Whatever it ends up being in total, it will go out to appropriate patrons of mine sometime mid-next month, with main rewards.

As for upcoming stuff, I will be back again in a couple days with new polls and the current poll results, of course. I will do the new side renders for slushe and such whenever I can get to that in the next week or two, not entirely sure yet.

As I always end these – if anyone out there would like to help support me and/or my work on all sorts of new content; (like the new slave training game I have posted previews over the past few months) and/or perhaps even get access to several of these mini-sets and/or lots of other rewards too, like the other finished story sets, and larger versions of the completed animations I have made/posted, and/or the full games I have also made. (The micro VN and Saluneโ€™s Slave Training are still available via my Patreon page… and I am doing what I can on the new game with whatever time I can spare – which isn’t much at all recently, I admit.) But anyways, check out my Patreon page!: https://www.patreon.com/redleatherart

May mini-set preview is ready to go!

Hey again everyone. I did get the new mini-set preview ready in time, with a bit of time to spare, actually. ๐Ÿ˜€ (Kind of surprising given how many things usually go wrong.) That is below, for those who haven’t already looked at it. It currently features Helenya and Zayla’s favorite elven slave boy… and it may also include a tiny bit of something else if I can get the time – we just have to see how things end up in a couple weeks. (The ‘toys’ in the tags for this is in reference to her tail – just FYI.) Also yes, I did the obvious joke for the preview… and I’m not really sorry for that; for those who don’t know what I mean by this – this is my 69th mini-set… and so I just had to have the characters doing the 69 pose in the preview. ๐Ÿ˜€ [EDIT: Second preview now added!]

In regard to the story/setup of this one – it is a bit longer than usual; but not quite short story level… but here it is:

Helenya recently made an amazing discovery in a distant cave system… an ancient elven fertility altar! These were extremely rare to find – and the very few that remained were hardly ever used these days… but they were famous for their powers to enhance fertility and virility. This altar looked mostly intact – even the magical torches were still burning! Under a full moon – these altars were rumored to increase fertility and virility over ten times, effectively guaranteeing pregnancy to any remotely fertile woman. Unfortunately, this altar had been buried underground – and therefore had no access to the moonlight… (not that it was a full moon right now anyway) but theoretically, it could still magnify those sexual attributes by at least five times on it’s own!

The lusty succubus could feel the raw lust emanating from the circle… just standing in it made her body flush with magical heat, and made her pussy even wetter. Sadly, her mother’s seal on her belly prevented her from getting pregnant – but she could still utilize the power of the altar to get a lot more semen from elven slaves than was normally possible. Zayla’s minions were hesitant to “play” with her these days… and her male slaves usually didn’t give her too much cum on their own; but this magic circle could greatly help Helenya have her fill of her favorite food. Tens of thousands of filthy and debauched sexual acts had taken place on this altar during it’s time… but it had been abandoned for over two thousand years – since an earthquake pulled it underground. It was definitely time to put such amazing power to good use again… it would be a true sin not to!

With that in mind, she flew back to Zayla’s lair and grabbed one of her best elven slave boys, and brought him to the altar. Zayla would likely never even notice his short absence, due to the volume of her slave pen… and she generally cared far less for the males anyway – especially after getting her hands on Salune. Helenya also had a bad habit of sucking and/or fucking most all of Zayla’s slaves/minions dry as it was – she wouldn’t be surprised to catch her doing this, only angry that she wasn’t invited. ๐Ÿ˜€ This elf in particular had a history with Helenya – as she was the one who brought him to Zayla… and since he became one of her favorite elven slave boys, that earned her some points. The curvy succubus had fucked this elf dozens of times before… so he was more tolerant of her than most other slaves – and he could usually go at least two good rounds with her at this point.

Upon arrival, Helenya threw her playmate down in the center of the altar, snapped off her magic monokini, and got down on top of him – and ordered him to service her, while she did the same. A thick and steady stream of precum was leaking out of his already rock-hard cock… more than Helenya had ever seen before with no real stimulation yet. The power of the altar was certainly real – and extremely exciting to her. Thousands of children had been conceived on this altar in ages past; and while they would not be contributing to that this time, they were still honoring ancient deities that have been long forgotten with what they planned to do that night… and perhaps they will be rewarded with more than just an amazing night. ๐Ÿ˜€

As this mini-set has only just gotten started, I have no idea what it will end up being in total… but you can guess some of what I have planned by checking the tags on this post. Whatever it ends up being, it will go out to appropriate patrons of mine sometime mid-next month, with main rewards.

In regard to upcoming stuff, I will be back in a day or two with new polls and the current poll results – and possibly one other special thing to announce around then as well… so definitely check back soon! ๐Ÿ™‚

And once again, as I always end these – if anyone out there would like to help support me and/or my work on all sorts of new content; (like the new slave training game I have posted previews over the past few months) and/or perhaps even get access to several of these mini-sets and/or lots of other rewards too, like the other finished story sets, and larger versions of the completed animations I have made/posted, and/or the full games I have also made. (The micro VN and Saluneโ€™s Slave Training are still available via my Patreon page… and I am doing what I can on the new game with whatever time I can spare.) But anyways, check out my Patreon page!: https://www.patreon.com/redleatherart

New March mini-set preview is here!

Hey again everyone. I did manage to get the preview for the mini-set done in time somehow, and it is below. This mini-set features my first serious attempt at making a (real) Bunnygirl – and I think she came out nicely. ๐Ÿ˜€ [EDIT: Second preview added!] The setup/story for this one is simply that one day a farmer noticed that many of his carrots had gone missing; and decided to find the culprit to protect his crops. After a couple weeks, he caught the thief red-handed… and was shocked to find a genuine Bunnygirl – and a sexy pink-haired one at that! The bunny explained that she was just hungry… and the farmer felt kind of bad for her, and came up with a compromise of sorts. He would let her have the carrots she had taken, as well as the bunch she was in the process of taking – but she was going to have to pay for them; and since she had no money, the only option was to pay with her body! Assorted fun ensues… not entirely certain yet if it will contain M/F or possibly M/M/F, either instead or as well. I am also trying other new things in here besides the bunnygirl – I have a few new piercings and a little bit of pubic hair to test out; we will see how that goes when this is all done. Whatever it ends up including, it will go out to appropriate patrons of mine starting with main rewards next month, likely in two weeks or so.

Due to prior delays from all sorts of stuff this month (not least of which is this whole coronavirus thing), I have barely started this mini-set as of writing this – so it is kind of hard to say at this point what will be in it when it is done. I will update the tags on this post with whatever the mini-set ends up including theme/content/fetish wise… the current tags are just a rough plan. (I may even update the preview itself if need be.) I have also had pretty bad migraines for several weeks now – which is still being exacerbated by the current lack of excedrin migraine; which was already an issue before people started buying everything up due to the whole virus panic… which does not help. I am doing the best I can – we will just have to see what happens next.

In other news, I did do the raffle drawing on my Patreon page – and attempted to contact the initial winner of that; I have yet to hear back as of right now, but it has only been one day so far… we will see what happens. I did leave a plan in place to draw again if need be… even though I never actually thought that I would need to use it. Also, I am considering doing another special offer on my Patreon page… mostly due to the whole coronavirus thing; I want to do something special, and that is just what comes to mind… we will see if that pans out in the near future. The votes in the current polls are quite low… but I will check that again in a couple days – more votes would be appreciated though.

As I always end these with – if anyone out there would like to help support me and/or my work on all sorts of new content; (like the new slave training game I have posted previews over the past few months) and/or perhaps even get access to several of these mini-sets and/or lots of other rewards too, like the other finished story sets, and larger versions of the completed animations I have made/posted, and/or the full games I have also made. (The micro VN and Saluneโ€™s Slave Training are still available via my Patreon page… and I am doing what I can on the new game with whatever time I can spare.) But anyways, check out my Patreon page!: https://www.patreon.com/redleatherart

February mini-set preview is ready!

Hi again. This is a bit later than I was hoping for – but I quite like how this mini-set is going so far, and I think you all will as well. ๐Ÿ™‚ As you can tell from the preview below, this month’s mini-set features Faye and a super cute elven courtesan, Delfina! She will be a recurring side character – but I doubt she will be used enough to make her a “main/canon” character… but we will see, I am not sure just yet. (I like her a lot more than I thought I would when I started this.) EDIT: Second preview image added!

As for the setup for this mini-set; back before Faye managed to find a man she could regularly fuck, she had to make do with whatever she could… which sometimes happened to be the best elf whores in the city. When she first started her new job, Delfina (the youngest elf working at the Pink Butterfly, and one of the most popular girls in general) often stopped by Faye’s shop for infertility potions… which she quickly found herself needing each week due to all the customers she was getting. After a couple visits, they agreed on a very special deal. The elf would come by late in the evening on her day off each week and pick up a few infertility potions… which she paid for by servicing Faye with the full extent of her assorted skills! Needless to say, this worked out quite well for everyone… and assorted passionate lesbian fun followed – mostly with the fancy toys the elf brought over each week (and usually pre-warmed). Obviously, I do not know how many images this mini-set will be in the end, but whatever it ends up totaling to, it will go out to appropriate patrons of mine starting mid-next month with main rewards. ๐Ÿ˜€

Otherwise – I hope to try that animation again in the coming days, as mentioned previously. I have not yet had the chance for assorted reasons, and I needed to get this mini-set preview render finished before the end of the month – so this came first when I finally got time to work on all this. Also, I doubt it will matter to mention it now – but the polls could still use more votes… one has none at all and the other is basically a total tie, rendering both effectively pointless. I will be back in a couple days with the poll review and new polls… so we will see what happens then. It would be nice to get more feedback with those.

As always – if anyone out there would like to help support me and/or my work on all sorts of new content; (like the new slave training game I have posted previews over the past few months) and/or perhaps even get access to several of these mini-sets and/or lots of other rewards too, like the other finished story sets, and larger versions of the completed animations I have made/posted, and/or the full games I have also made. (The micro VN and Saluneโ€™s Slave Training are still available via my Patreon page… and I am doing what I can on the new game with whatever time I can spare.) But anyways, check out my Patreon page!: https://www.patreon.com/redleatherart