Monthly Archives: March 2019

Public animation preview for the new game.

Hi again. I am currently trying to finish the render for another event preview for my patrons – which will hopefully get posted either late tonight or tomorrow; but while that goes, I wanted to post something here for everyone else. Below is an early gif preview from a full size preview that I sent out to all my patrons late last year. (Slightly before the voice acting mess; which I am still trying to fully resolve.)

In terms of what I am doing now – I have had a couple other commissions to do… (one was private) and may have another commission to share in the coming days; (there are still two days left for my commission sale if anyone is interested… check previous posts for more info) and I am trying to get back into the assorted code/writing for this game… but it is surprisingly hard to try and resume this – the writing in particular is very draining. I will do what I can – but I seem to be focusing on doing more of the event scene renders right now… which do also need done. (There are also other non-explicit/content scenes/renders that I want to put in – so those need done at some point as well.) I am sure this will work out for the best somehow… this is already long past what I was unrealistically and optimistically hoping for late last year – though that was under the assumption that there would be less content and that the characters would all have the same written events… which I decided against. So me expanding my plans for this game combined with the voice acting mess pushed this all back a bit… but things seem to be mostly working out now. I am planning/hoping to get another semi-special mini-set done next month, with another short story bit… but we will see if I can actually do that after working on the assorted game-related stuff up to that point. I also am planning to work in the remaining voice bits into SST next week and send that out to my patrons a little while later; as I think I have all the Salune voice bits now. (I likely will not be able to work in additional voice bits for the other random females as the other actress I was planning to use has not been able to do it and I do not want to waste any more time adding to SST at this point – I mainly wanted to get voice bits in for Salune.)

So after the “continue reading” tag below is the gif preview; featuring the human slave girl servicing that one dark skinned human slave guy that Zayla has. As I think I mentioned previously… I am currently planning to have at least one animated scene per activity/training type. If anyone out there wants to help support me in making my assorted work (including this new game) check out my Patreon page!:

Anything put forward helps – even comments and votes in the polls. 🙂

Continue reading

March mini-set preview is here!

Hey again. I have returned with the new preview for this month’s mini-set… a preview which features one thing I have not done before – by insistent request of a friend of mine who is apparently into this. As you have probably seen by the preview below, this mini-set centers around Zayla toying/playing around with one of her elven slave boys… and at least in one bit of this, uses her feet to do so in a POV style render. That is not the focus of the set – is is more of a femdom/regular sex thing with a bit of POV thrown in here and there; but as I mentioned above, I was begged (for quite a while) to have this footjob scene done at some point – so I put it in here as the preview… since I figured why not. (He specifically wanted it to be Zayla doing it… preferably in POV style – and I was planning a mini-set with her anyway; and I guess it does kind of fit her style/tastes – if any of my characters… so here that is.) The rest of this mini-set is more what you would expect from me… as you can see by the tags; but again, I figured that this would be an opportunity to throw in something a bit different for the previews… and perhaps throw the handful of people that this type of thing appeals to a bone of sorts. (I know this did not rank highly in the fetish poll, and it does nothing for me really; but much of that stuff I have done to at least a minor extent… and this I had never done at all – so now that can no longer be said.) The mini-set is currently eight images, although that may go up before it is sent out to appropriate patrons sometime early next month as per usual.

Once again, a reminder that the mini-set tier on my patreon page now offers the current new mini-set for that month, and the three mini-sets prior to it – so it changes each month. Also, a reminder that my oronjo page will close at the end of this month sometime… so if anyone wants any of the old mini-sets, now is your chance as I have no set backup plan for that at this time. (I am looking into assorted options, but have not found anything concrete so far; but I have been quite busy with real life stuff this week.) I also am still having that 15% off commissions above the base price sale until the end of this month – which means commissions paid for by the end of this month qualify; so check my commissions page up top of that interests you. 😀 As for upcoming stuff, I hope to have the current set of voice acting bits finally done soon; but that is not something I can control. I will see what I have time for beyond that in terms of work on the new game… but I do plan to get that last update done for SST before that if I get the voice bits for it. I should have some kind of status update posted sometime before the end of the month.

As I generally end these with – if any kind/awesome people out there would like to help support me and/or my work on all sorts of cool new content; (like the new slave training game I have posted previews of a couple months back) and/or perhaps even get access to several of these mini-sets and/or lots of other rewards too, like the larger versions of the completed animations I have made/posted and/or the full games I have also made (the micro VN and Salune’s Slave Training are still available via my Patreon page, I have recently restarted work on my upcoming game once more and hope to have a beta of this newer slave training game within a couple months; but we will see what happens – anyways, check out my Patreon page!:

Status update: 3/15

Hi again. I just wanted to stop by with a quick update. I just sent out rewards to my patrons – including the expanded mini-set from last month that somehow ended up being 21 images! (And really, really nice too.) My other patrons even got an additional preview from it – for those who do not get the full thing. 😀 One other thing… I did not get that final update to SST put together/sent – as I have not received the other voice work yet; but I should have that (allegedly/hopefully) within a week… so I hope to have that ready for the next set of rewards. (Not much I can do about this – it is out of my hands.)

In terms of upcoming stuff; I have a few side things/commissions to do – but I still plan to get the preview for this month’s new mini-set posted sometime next week. We will see what else happens by then; but I hope to make some progress on the new game after I get the mini-set situated. As always, we will see what happens; and I am doing my best with the time I have – but other things may come up, as tends to happen with life.

Anyway, I will see you all again soon… but in the meantime, please vote in the polls on the right and check out all the assorted free content I have posted if you haven’t already! Do also keep in mind that I am currently running a 15% off all commissions above the base promotion right now (until the end of this month) – that does stack with other discounts. So if you think you might be interested in having me make you a render or two of something sexy, feel free to ask about it! 😀

Elf girl x imps commission!

Hey again. I am back once more with the first new commission of the month – featuring the same elf girl dominatrix OC from several prior commissions by the same person, HermitBear. This time, she is dealing with two particularly demonic imps in her dungeon; and everyone involved is very much enjoying it. 😀

Anyway, do keep in mind that I am having that 15% off commissions above the base price sale this month – and that it does combine with the other discounts I offer. (Patreon, repeat customer.) if you think you might be interested in commissioning me to make one or more renders of something that you really want to see, then check out my commission info page, here – There are also special slots/deals for commissions on my Patreon page if that interests you; which will take this sale into account this month. 🙂 Feel free to ask if you are curious as to whether or not I can/will do a specific scene and/or if you want an estimate!

Art trade with Haarmades – Haar x Mira anal!

Hi again. I just came by to share my part of a recent art trade with Haarmades: – which features two of his OCs enjoying each other’s company via some rough anal sex. 🙂 I have previously posted my art trades on my DA page – but this was explicit and so I could not post it there; so… I am posting it here for all to enjoy. 😀

Feel free to ask me about art trades/commissions. 🙂

Last chance to get old mini-sets for a while.

Hey. I came by with an unfortunate announcement – I received an email notification a couple days ago that oronjo is apparently shutting down at the end of this month; so as the title of this post reads, this is probably your last chance to get many of those old mini-sets… as I have no backup method of selling them right now. (I can’t really use gumroad, as you are not allowed/supposed to sell hardcore content on there… and most actual distribution sites get more out of it than I do – so there isn’t much point to that either.) I am not entirely sure how to address this… as I am not aware of any similar alternatives, but I will look around; and I really do not want to host a little webshop thing here on this page – as that would require a lot of setup and for me to get an SSL certificate… which costs almost as much as I pay for the hosting.

So… if anyone was considering getting any of those old mini-sets of mine, this is your advance notice that they will likely be unavailable after this month for at least some time. Several have been fairly popular – and there are even a few bundles at the bottom of my oronjo page; so before its too late, check that out if any of the old mini-sets interest you! (The very recently retired ones from this month are not on there as I had not had time to post them yet – and there is no reason for me to put them on there now… so what is on there is all there is.)

Poll results/review, and new polls.

Hi again. This is a bit later than I was hoping for, but my weekend and last few days in general have been a busy mess. The old polls are now concluded; and two new polls are up! The two new polls ask what you thought of that short story I posted with February’s mini-set preview, and also if you prefer female characters to be active or passive in adult content. So please vote in those and let me know what you think!

As for the old polls: almost nobody voted in the first one, which asked about options vs. detail in adult games – but clearly the people who did vote prefer more options… so I will keep that in mind. As for the fetish poll: there were a lot of votes, but apparently most people did not actually pick seven things – and so the totals are a bit off. I will not go over every single thing as I did years ago; but I will go over the top voted entries.

The clear favorite was pregnancy/impregnation… with 16 votes; the only one to make it into double digits – so I will keep that in mind for future content, though I already do a decent bit with this somewhere in there anyway. 🙂 Second place was tentacles and lactation/milking – tentacles I already have done a good bit of and there will definitely be more, so no worries there… and lactation/milking I have only done a little so far, but I have some things in mind for the near future in the main story and such – so more of that will come soon. Third place was futa… which I already have done a large amount of, but there will be more of that for sure. Fourth place was another tie for corruption and sexual slavery/captives… sexual slavery/captives is something I have definitely done and there will be more of that for certain, with captives in future story bits; corruption on the other hand is not exactly something I was planning on – at least not anytime soon… but I will see what I can come up with. Fifth place was ironically a five way tie between creampies, lesbian sex, femdom, bondage and vaginal sex; all of which have been done a lot already and will continue to happen, no worries there. The remaining votes were scattered around, with many things that I thought would do better with few or even no votes; but I attribute this to there being so many options, and also most people not voting for the full seven items.

As for what I am doing at the moment, I am still trying to deal with all kinds of assorted things regarding the voice acting… including that one new mess; so I am not sure what will get done within the next week or so – but I will see what I can do as always. I might be back with a small update in a couple days – more on that if it happens.