Hi again. Sorry for the long gap in posts here – but I have been pretty busy with all sorts of shit. Long story semi-short; the renders for LITC 6 are done, but I have not had the time/energy to finish the writing/compilation yet – so hopefully I can get that done next month. I did finish the Nylavi/elf guys mini-set though, and sent that out yesterday; that ended up at 49 images total – and patrons also got the second preview early, as per usual. I did also go ahead and post the second preview for March’s mini-set publicly as well – that is over in the post for that, as well as up in the master catalog, for those interested. [EDIT: Second preview of this one is now below and on the master catalog as well! ]
As for this new mini-set that I am posting a new preview of now, it is a continuation of a fairly old mini-set I did years back (#46 – which was almost three years ago by this point); and it stars Salune, as well as a side character that I have revisited a few times now – a curvy brown-skinned elf with tattoos… who is just one of Zayla’s hundreds of nameless slaves. (I might give her a proper name later, but right now I think her semi-anonymous nature is one of her draws.) However, she also happens to be a favorite playmate of Salune – which is what led to this mini-set… and it is a direct result/continuation of their prior couplings. (And will surely lead to many more.)
However, this setup is a bit long, so I am putting the rest of this post behind a “read more” tag… but I think most of your will want to check it out – so be sure to click below! 😀 Continue reading