Monthly Archives: July 2022

Status update: 7/28 – Weather Issues.

Hi, everyone. So as some of you may have seen over on my Patreon page, things have been a bit messy since my last update here, and I figured that I should just go ahead and post another update now, given how shitty the weather has been the past week and a half or so. I am sure many of you are aware of the heat wave, and other crap weather patterns that has been going on – which combined with the high humidity and constant storms here is the worst possible thing for my headaches. For the past week and a half or so, I have been effectively unable to get any major work on all this done… and today is no different. This past weekend my head hurt so much, all day – that I couldn’t do much of anything at all, work or not. (I have had to resort to organizing and/or cleaning stuff at times, since when this is particularly bad I can’t even look at a screen.)

Usually when I get these weather migraines, it gets better once the sun goes down – which is when I tend to do most of my work anyway… but for whatever reason this time things are the opposite – which is a major problem. I know this is hard to explain to people who don’t have issues like this, but just to illustrate – right now, I have a mild headache and I feel like I got hit in the face with a brick (sinuses, probably – though my ears are also having issues)… and that is without me doing anything to make it worse. When the sun goes down, and/or if I try to do much of anything interactive/substantial with the computer, it gets much worse for whatever reason. Even just sitting here and typing this for a few minutes, I can feel my eyes and head hurt more – this humidity/rain is just screwing me over something awful. This is the worst/weirdest weather all year – maybe for a few years; I can’t recall having this problem for such a drawn out period… but there just isn’t anything else I can do. I have been taking excedrin migraine every day for a while now just to function on a general level – but that can only do so much.

Long story semi-short, LITC 6 will almost certainly be pushed back into next month (side render month anyway) – which is for the best at this point. I will still see what I can do in the few days that are left this month – but I am not going to rush things and make myself miserable (and/or hurt myself) just to try and make an arbitrary deadline I set for myself that got blown out of the water by insane weather. (Fairly sure I won’t get the chance to do much regardless.) Apologies, but this is way past anything I have control over – and as noted above, I have been unable to do much at all for a decent while now. Oh, that that one NSFW side render isn’t done yet either; especially since I had planned to put it and the other aside two weeks ago, as mentioned back then… but we will see what happens next month. (Further irony – it literally started pouring outside the minute I posted this.)

Also, there are a decent number of votes, but final reminder – please do vote in the polls on the right and/or in the below post if you have not yet done so – those do really help me know what people think/want, and it helps show that people care! 😀

As I always end these with – if there is any chance anyone out there would actually like to help support me and/or my work on all sorts of new content; and/or get access to one of my latest/best mini-sets, (this month gets a choice of any mini-set of choice for the middle tier, as well next month as an exception to the schedule) like the remaining finished story sets, and larger versions of the completed animations I have made/posted, and/or the full games I have also made, (the micro VN and Salune’s Slave Training are still available via my Patreon page; not sure what else may come in the future at this point…) check out my Patreon page!:

Any interest, comments, follows, likes, votes, or support really does help. It is hard to keep making new stuff when nobody seems to care. Following me on DA/slushe/pixiv/twitter/whatever doesn’t cost anything – and that all does help spread the word about my work… so please consider doing some of that if you haven’t already.

Status update: 7/15

Hey. I don’t have much to report yet, but I wanted to stop by with an update, as it has been a while since my last post. I almost have one new side render done, unless I find something else to add/fix – and we will see what else I can work in; but I plan to dive back into LITC 6 soon – and put most of what I have left into that, in hopes of finally finishing it. When that happens, I will likely just post whatever else I have in terms of side stuff, unless I am really close to getting something else done. (I do also want to update my pixiv/redbubble again soon… but I have so much to do as it is – not sure I can/will get to that this month, but we will see.)

I also have to fight tooth and nail to resist going back and fixing/adjusting stuff I see in the renders of LITC 6 now… as it has been a year since I made them, and I have changed/learned a few things since then… but it is all likely stuff nobody else would even notice. (Artists are almost always their own worst critics… some of you know what I mean by that.) This is going to be a bit of a mess for all sorts of reasons – but I have fully adjusted my schedule to hopefully get this thing done at last… and we will see how that goes; but there are more renders in this set than any other story set as far as I remember. (Over 80 at the moment.)

Also – please do vote in the polls on the right and/or in the below post if you have not yet done so – those do really help me know what people think/want, and it helps show that people care. 🙂

As per usual… if there is any chance anyone out there would actually like to help support me and/or my work on all sorts of new content; and/or get access to one of my latest/best mini-sets, (this month gets a choice of any mini-set of choice for the middle tier, as well next month as an exception to the schedule) like the remaining finished story sets, and larger versions of the completed animations I have made/posted, and/or the full games I have also made, (the micro VN and Salune’s Slave Training are still available via my Patreon page; not sure what else may come in the future at this point…) check out my Patreon page!:

Any interest, comments, follows, likes, votes, or support really does help. It is hard to keep making new stuff when nobody seems to care. Following me on DA/slushe/pixiv/twitter/whatever doesn’t cost anything – and that all does help spread the word about my work… so please consider doing some of that if you haven’t already.

The July 2022 polls.

Hi guys. I have come back with the poll results from last time and two new polls – as per usual at the beginning of the month. There were actually a decent number of votes this latest time, which I do really appreciate… presuming that some of this was not just one person repeat voting for the same thing.

Anyway, last time there were two polls – the first asked how long you prefer your erotic stories; and most people preferred mid-length, around give pages. A decent number of people also preferred very long, with double that length. Interestingly, nobody voted for the two shortest options. Regardless, this is good to know, and I would like to do something a bit more in depth at some point in the near future – but as I have said… it is really hard to find time and/or motivation at this stage. The second poll asked what your preferred plot to sex balance was in adult stories – and unsurprisingly, most people preferred a full balance of both… with a decent number of people preferring mostly sex after that. (With one stray vote for mostly plot at the far end.) This was basically what I expected; and likely what would have happened anyway – so we will see what happens when the time comes. I will keep these in mind, though I may not have the time/energy to write quite as much as people may want if/when I get the chance to.

As for the July polls – those are below, and over on the right of this page… so please check those out and vote in them to let me know your preferences here as well. Both are repeat of polls from not that long ago that got very few votes, but both are quite relevant to the last two, and/or upcoming stuff. The first asks what type of scenario you would like to see a short adult story from me made about. The second poll then asks what your preferences are in relation to major plot developments in story sets. I am reposting these since they got extremely few votes several months back – but I would really like answers to these if possible.

[Total_Soft_Poll id=”6″]

[Total_Soft_Poll id=”5″]

I will do what I can in the coming week – but the weather is supposed to be “Dangerously Humid” (80%+ humidity), and stormy for the rest of this week… so I am pretty screwed already. I did also go and post the side stuff that I currently have to slushe as well – so that is up now too. I will see what else I can get done in the near future. Hopefully I can work more on the remaining side renders soon – but that may go into next week… and knowing how things have gone these past few months, it almost certainly will.

So… if there is any chance anyone out there would actually like to help support me and/or my work on all sorts of new content; and/or get access to one of my latest/best mini-sets, (this month gets a choice of any mini-set of choice for the middle tier, as well next month as an exception to the schedule) like the remaining finished story sets, and larger versions of the completed animations I have made/posted, and/or the full games I have also made, (the micro VN and Salune’s Slave Training are still available via my Patreon page; not sure what else may come in the future at this point…) check out my Patreon page!:

Any interest, comments, follows, likes, votes, or support really does help. It is hard to keep making new stuff when nobody seems to care. Following me on DA/slushe/pixiv/twitter/whatever doesn’t cost anything – and that all does help spread the word about my work… so please consider doing some of that if you haven’t already.