Hey. So this is going to be a sizable bit of text in this update, but I see no real way around that given all that I need to say and do in here. First off, the anniversary mini-set special poll ended with two items tied for first place, “Helenya x Karen” and “Salune x tentacles”; as previously noted, in cases where a winner is needed and there is a tie, I have to break it. I will decide which of those two I will make the mini-set of a bit later this month when I get to it; I cannot pick one at this time and want to think about it more before I choose one. So the contents of the free mini-set that I will make sometime this month will be somewhat of a surprise, but it will be one of those two things. In regard to the new polls, one asks if you prefer quality or quantity when it comes to adult image sets; the other asks which setting you prefer for your adult content. (For possible side image sets once RTL is finished this month.)
Now for the main event in this update: it is coming up on the technical two year anniversary of this project, and I have some questions for all of you out there if you can take the time to answer. I would really like to know the following from each of you, even an answer to some of these would be fine if you either can’t or don’t want to answer all of them. The more feedback I get though, the more likely certain things are and the better my work will get; so if you want to see me make more of what you want and/or help me improve my art, please answer any or all of these questions in a comment here. They are just some simple questions, asking what you like best about my work, and also what you think I can improve on and things like that. These questions were asked early this month to my Patreon patrons, and I have already acted on some of the feedback I got from them. I figured that I might as well ask these on here as well since I posted these questions on DA recently, so at least I can say I tried.
I do realize this is somewhat awkward to ask, since none of you have likely played the small VN I made nor seen any of my most recent image sets; but I will take any answers I can get here. So please, if you want to help me out and/or see more of what you like from me, take a few minutes to tell me your answers to any or preferably all of the following questions. Feel free to add any other information/suggestions, the questions are just a guideline of what I am looking to find out. I really appreciate any and all feedback given; it is quite difficult to improve my work and know what people want when I have almost no feedback whatsoever.
1.) What is your single favorite content item I have made so far and why? (This could be a story set chapter, animation, character, or a even specific image.)
2.) What is favorite type of content that I make? (Story sets, image sets, mini-sets, games, animations, other?)
3.) What would you like to see more of from me? (This can be a character, content type, or a fetish.)
4.) What is your favorite aspect of my work, and why?
5.) What do you feel is the weakest aspect of my work so far and why?
6.) Is there anything in particular you are looking forward to seeing me do? (This could be a certain situation, character combination, the next story arc, or just something like finishing my original game idea.)
7.) What do you feel is the thing that I do best? (I was thinking like a fetish/scene type here, but I guess content type could work also, or even something like character design.)