Tag Archives: Polls

New poll, status update.

Hey again, sorry this is a bit later than I wanted. The weather here is still crazy – we had 40 mph winds here for several days now, in addition to the temperature swings and rain. I am just screwed, and there seems to be nothing to be done about it. That, combined with some general life crap happening has left me drained the past two weeks… which kind of explains the late update here. I hope you all are doing better wherever you are.

Anyway – I did put one new poll up on the right here for those interested, asking if you prefer one female subject or multiple in adult content, with three possible options. Do let me know your thoughts on that – although I am not positive if it will affect much at this point. I do not know what, if anything will happen at this stage… but we will see how things go in the near future and beyond.

I will be back with another status update at the end of the month just to check in if nothing else.

If you want to help support/motivate me in making more content, you can check out my redone Patreon page (which is just a tip jar at this point) here: https://www.patreon.com/redleatherart

Any interest, comments, follows, likes, votes, or support really does help. It is hard to keep making new stuff when nobody seems to care. Following me on DA/slushe/pixiv/twitter/whatever doesn’t cost anything – and that all does help spread the word about my work… so please consider doing some of that if you haven’t already.

New poll for September 2023!

Yo. Sorry this is later than I had planned, but the last few days have been a huge mess for various reasons – yesterday in particular was beyond weird. I had to spend 6 hours troubleshooting someone else’s PC – only to find that the problem was a corrupt core system dll – which effectively could not be fixed… so I had to reinstall windows on a computer that was barely a week old. Add that to the super hot/humid/stormy weather, (about 100 degrees F for three days now) and things have not been going great… but we will see what happens in the coming weeks.

Anyway, for the last couple months, I have had the character poll up – and there weren’t many votes cast… but it was a tie between Nylavi, Helenya, and Belle. Rather surprised by all of that, really – and I will keep it in mind… but the low votes must also be taken into consideration; still, thanks to those who did vote.

Regardless – there is a new poll up, and it is a revisit of an older poll from almost two years ago, asking how you feel about pregnancy/impregnation in adult content, with five different options. Let me know your thoughts on that please, and we will see how this poll goes!

Otherwise, I will be back sometime before the end of the month with some kind of update – I don’t want to say in a week or mention anything specific, since I have no way to be sure right now… and the last few months have been a hot, busy mess; but I should definitely be back before the end of the month – just to let you know I am still around, etc.

If you want to help support/motivate me in making more content, you can check out my redone Patreon page here: https://www.patreon.com/redleatherart

Any interest, comments, follows, likes, votes, or support really does help. It is hard to keep making new stuff when nobody seems to care. Following me on DA/slushe/pixiv/twitter/whatever doesn’t cost anything – and that all does help spread the word about my work… so please consider doing some of that if you haven’t already.

May 2023 poll attempt.

Hey. Things have been messy lately, so I didn’t get around to posting here until now… and there are no poll results from last time to go over for whatever reason, so this will be short.

First, I am bringing back my old poll plugin from two years ago, since it has been updated regularly after being seemingly abandoned for a year or so back when I dropped it.

Second, I am only posting one poll this time, since nobody cared about them for the last two months. Let us see if these changes do any good.

The poll for this month just asks you to pick your three favorite characters from my existing OCs – thats it.

I still really do not know when I will be back, or what I will be back with; we will just have to see what happens. The weather has been all over the place, life has been messy/busy, and my motivation is quite low overall.

If you want to help support/motivate me in making more content, you can check out my redone Patreon page here: https://www.patreon.com/redleatherart

Any interest, comments, follows, likes, votes, or support really does help. It is hard to keep making new stuff when nobody seems to care. Following me on DA/slushe/pixiv/twitter/whatever doesn’t cost anything – and that all does help spread the word about my work… so please consider doing some of that if you haven’t already.

New polls for March 2023!

Yo. I am back once more with the new polls for this month, and the results from last time.

Last month there were two polls – the first asked about images to accompany adult stories, and unsurprisingly all votes were in favor, most of them strongly so. The second poll asked what kind of animation people prefer, and two were in favor of short loops, with one vote for a full scene – which is fair enough. It is unfortunately highly unlikely that I will get to a point where I can even try a full scene animation, as much as I would like to try… but at least some people do seem to like the short loops are are more likely.

As for the new polls, those are below – the first asks how you feel about non-canon, one-off adventures featuring main characters, and the second poll asks how you feel about one-off/side adventures featuring new/one-off/side characters! As per usual, this may be related to something I am currently looking in to – but who knows what may happen at this point; both polls are similar, but quite different in terms of how it is usually treated – which is why I want to ask about it. So be sure to let me know your preferences in the two polls here. 🙂

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[Total_Soft_Poll id=”33″]

Not much else to report on yet, in terms of major progress. Do please let me know what you think of those polls though, and I hope to be back soon with some kind of content – but I should have a status update in a week or so if nothing else… you probably know how this goes by now; no promises on when or if anything will get done – but if life cooperates, then I may finally get solid time to work on something.

As usual, if you want to help support/motivate me in making more content, you can check out my redone Patreon page here (as I said, more changes maybe coming soon): https://www.patreon.com/redleatherart

Any interest, comments, follows, likes, votes, or support really does help. It is hard to keep making new stuff when nobody seems to care. Following me on DA/slushe/pixiv/twitter/whatever doesn’t cost anything – and that all does help spread the word about my work… so please consider doing some of that if you haven’t already.

February 2023 polls.

Hi again. I haven’t made much progress since last post, as the cold snap was just a mess and left me with headaches for like four days straight. However, I am back with new polls at least – so that is something.

Last month, there were two polls – one asked how you felt about CYOA (choose your own adventure) stories; and all votes cast were in favor… either strongly or mostly. This is good to know, as I was kind of considering making something in that style – if I can get the time/energy to do it. The second poll asked what you wanted to see from me in 2023 – and all votes cast were for animations… which is not surprising, and I will keep that in mind. However, those are rather difficult to do well with real 3D modelling programs, such as Poser (which is what I use) – and legal assets unless you are buying/using premade animations, which I don’t think I have tried yet. (I know there are a ton of little NSFW 3D animations floating around, but almost all the crap you see made in SFM is many different kinds of illegal – they use almost entirely stolen content, characters, and a free tool in ways that are expressly forbidden. FYI, those who make that junk have no legal right to what they make, nor do they have any legal right to profit from it; one cease and desist email from the rights holders and they could easily lose all their various payment accounts and/or get sued.) I will see what I can do though – I do want to try another animation, as I have mostly gotten better with those over time… though it has been quite a while by this point. At the very least, I will likely have far more time for it now since I no longer work on a set schedule for all this – so we will see what happens there.

As for the new polls, those are (or should be below) – the first asks what kind of NSFW animation you prefer, with a few options available. (Do bear in mind the long option is highly unlikely, and would take a really long time to even attempt… and this is “long” in quotes – as all my prior animation attempts are rather short.) The second poll asks how you feel about accompanying images to go with adult stories. (Fairly sure I know the answer, but it never hurts to check.)

Do please vote in those and let me know what you prefer here. Thanks again to all of you who voted last month, by the way. 🙂

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[Total_Soft_Poll id=”31″]

Other than that, I hope to be back before the 14th with at least a couple new side renders; not sure what else may come in the immediate future.

As usual, if you want to help support/motivate me in making more content, you can check out my redone Patreon page here (as I said, more changes maybe coming soon): https://www.patreon.com/redleatherart

Any interest, comments, follows, likes, votes, or support really does help. It is hard to keep making new stuff when nobody seems to care. Following me on DA/slushe/pixiv/twitter/whatever doesn’t cost anything – and that all does help spread the word about my work… so please consider doing some of that if you haven’t already.

First polls of 2023!

Hi everyone. I am back to start of 2023 with the results from the polls from last month.

The first poll asked how important the setup/concept of an adult scene/image was to you, and most people seem to lean towards “Very Important.”, with a few in the middle as well – nobody voted against it, so it does indeed seem to be important to you guys… which is good to confirm. (I tend to agree that it is usually very important – but there are always exceptions to any rule.) The other poll asked how much cum you prefer in adult images/scenes, and the answers to this were all over the place – almost everything got a vote, with two for “A decent amount.”… so I guess that technically won, but this poll seems like more of a draw due to the wide split. (Honestly not quite sure what I prefer here – likely usually around the middle to low area though; but honestly it mostly depends on the scene/situation… like a gangbang would excuse/allow a lot more cum than a one on one scene, so that may work better. When I see super excessive/crazy amounts of cum/sweat in a scene/image, it usually seems gross and/or cartoony – and I like to keep my content fairly grounded/realistic overall; though I do tend to embellish things a bit for entertainment reasons, of course. I also have more of a personal preference for creampies over bukakke/body shots… so that also may explain it. )

As for the new polls, those are (or should be below) – the first asks what you guys who votes are most looking forward to seeing from me in 2023; and the second one asks how you feel about adult CYOA (choose your own adventure) stories – which may seem a bit out of nowhere, but it is one of the many ideas I have considered over the years… and one of the few things that I have not yet polled about after eight years. Do please vote in those and let me know what you prefer here, and hopefully there will be a decent number of votes again, as was the case last month! Thanks again to all of you who voted last month, by the way. 🙂

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[Total_Soft_Poll id=”29″]

Not much else to update you all on yet – though that is also due to my having my migraines for three days straight now… but we will see what the rest of the month has in store; there is plenty of time left, and with no strict schedules, the possibilities are endless… so who knows what can happen. I hope to be back with some kind of update in a week or two – but you know how that tends to go, so don’t be overly surprised if it takes a bit longer than that.

As before, if you want to help support/motivate me in making more content, you can check out my redone Patreon page here (as I said, more changes likely coming soon): https://www.patreon.com/redleatherart

Any interest, comments, follows, likes, votes, or support really does help. It is hard to keep making new stuff when nobody seems to care. Following me on DA/slushe/pixiv/twitter/whatever doesn’t cost anything – and that all does help spread the word about my work… so please consider doing some of that if you haven’t already.

December 2022 polls.

Hey. I have returned with the poll results from last time, and some new polls – not much else to report on just yet.

Last time there were two polls – though one was up for two months. Regardless, the first poll asked if you were looking forward to new story sets, and those who voted seemed to be in favor, so that is nice at least. The other one was the character popularity poll – which seemed to have fairly predictable results; Helenya, Salune, and Zayla were the top favorites, which I expected… though Zayla got less votes than I had predicted. Regardless, it is good to know, and I thank those of you who voted in those polls.

As for new polls – there are two, one asks how much cum you prefer in adult images/scenes, and the other asks how important the setup/concept of an adult scene/image is to your enjoyment of it. (Fairly sure I have done similar polls in the distant past, but it has been a while – and there really is only so much you can poll for after 7-8 years of multiple polls per month.) Those are below and on the right, so do please vote in those and let me know what you like.

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[Total_Soft_Poll id=”27″]

I still haven’t gone over my redone Patreon yet, I need to do that later this week and submit it for reclassification, but I have been too tired, etc. these past couple days. (Every part of that is depressing, and I couldn’t bring myself to do it yet.)

No idea when I will be back with something else… so much is up in the air right now, it is effectively impossible to even know if anything will get done this month. I will definitely try for Xmas side renders, as that is also a thing I have tended to usually for for whatever reason… but besides that, I don’t know. Most things just seem to be going fairly badly these past few months; but I will do what I can; at the very least I can definitively say that the idea of giving up on all this is just disgusting to me – so that is unlikely to happen anytime soon.  However, I do really need to get properly motivated again somehow – as I have so much that I want to do and so little time/energy/motivation right now… and some of that I can’t do too much about.

Anyway, if you want to help support/motivate me in making more content, you can check out my redone Patreon page here (as I said, more changes likely coming next month): https://www.patreon.com/redleatherart

Any interest, comments, follows, likes, votes, or support really does help. It is hard to keep making new stuff when nobody seems to care. Following me on DA/slushe/pixiv/twitter/whatever doesn’t cost anything – and that all does help spread the word about my work… so please consider doing some of that if you haven’t already.

New November poll.

Hi again. I am back with one new poll for November – as I am leaving the character poll up for at least one more month. The old poll asked how people felt about Halloween, but nobody answered until like the day before or the day of… so I think that says more than the couple votes it got. The other poll from last time is staying for a bit longer, as I said above; but there is one new poll that asks if you are looking forward to future story sets… and you’ll never guess why that is up. (More motivation would be great… but after last month, I am not expecting much.) The current polls are also below for convenience.

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[Total_Soft_Poll id=”24″]

As for my status, not much has changed since my last post… and I have another hike scheduled for Tuesday – hopefully this won’t drain me as much as the last one did. (It shouldn’t, allegedly.) No idea what may get done this month in terms of “content” – but I do really need to wipe through my Patreon page and do that at some point this month… (as allegedly next month is the deadline/cutoff – though I am not sure when) which will be as depressing as it is time consuming. I will try and post another status update in a week or so – but we will see what happens.

Not that this will even matter very soon, but if there is any chance anyone out there would actually like to help support me and/or my work on all sorts of new content; and/or get access to one of my latest/best mini-sets, (this month gets a choice of any mini-set of choice for the middle $15 tier, and I currently plan to just have it remain like that for what little time my Patreon likely has left) like the remaining finished story sets, and larger versions of the completed animations I have made/posted, and/or the full games I have also made, (the micro VN and Salune’s Slave Training are still available via my Patreon page; not sure what else may come in the future at this point…) check out my Patreon page!: https://www.patreon.com/redleatherart

Any interest, comments, follows, likes, votes, or support really does help. It is hard to keep making new stuff when nobody seems to care. Following me on DA/slushe/pixiv/twitter/whatever doesn’t cost anything – and that all does help spread the word about my work… so please consider doing some of that if you haven’t already.

Polls for October 2022.

Hi again. Sorry the polls are a bit late again, but it is how it is – really not much to be done at this point. I am trying to recover a bit, as I said last time; but I have not had much success as of yet… especially since I have a bunch of crap that I need/want to do relatively soon. I effectively have not really taken a solid vacation in years, and find that idea weirdly hard to do at the moment; so all I could really manage is signing up for some day trip things later in the month via REI. Hopefully that will help things out a bit – but that is at least two weeks away… so there is still some downtime before that where I need to figure out some other things.

In other news, I did finally hear back from Patreon’s policy team again – not long after making my last post, as I figured. Allegedly I can change my page from NSFW to SFW and not have to do this bullshit “””id verification””” crap – but we will see what happens. They also mentioned that there is no batch post editing… (because I asked) so I would likely have to go through all 400 something of my Patreon posts over seven years individually and delete most of them, or perhaps wipe my page entirely and just start over – if that is even an option. It would be a sickening amount of unnecessary work to go through all that and delete most of it… but if that is my only option, I guess I don’t have much choice – that is better than probable identity theft. Again, its not like I was making much on there anyway… so I guess it isn’t as bad as it could be.

This does effectively mean I cannot give out any notable rewards on there either… as it will be relegated to SFW only, and basically just be a tip jar; but I will see if I can figure something out. Again, see what happens; not at all happy about this whole mess… especially not happy about how Patreon is just waving their hands at the whole affair and pretending like they are completely innocent in this, when they are going along with what is allegedly the demands of mastercard with no real opposition that I have seen. (I detest companies that show a lack of regard/care for their customers; either some or the whole – as one almost always tends to lead to the other.)

Last time, there were two polls – the first asked how you felt about onomatopoeias in adult story sets, and most people seemed to be either neutral or positive… so that will be taken into consideration. I personally am not overly fond of them, but I have considered using some in upcoming stuff if possible… so I may give that a shot whenever I can get to it. The second poll from last time asked about how much clothing you preferred during sex in adult images, and most of you clearly preferred either no clothing or as little clothing as possible – which is good to know, and matches what I tend to see in most content. I am fairly certain it is often done for convenience, in many cases – but it does also help show things off a bit better… so fair enough. Thanks to those who voted, and please go ahead and vote in the new polls as well. 🙂

There are also two new polls up – and they are below and on the right; so please vote in those. The first poll asks how you feel about Halloween in general – pretty straightforward. The second is a classic poll brought back once more – where you can vote for your favorite of my main OCs… and you can pick up to three (3); so definitely let me know your thoughts on those!

[Total_Soft_Poll id=”22″]

[Total_Soft_Poll id=”24″]

No idea what may come this month, but as stated last time – I am planning on prioritizing the Halloween side renders and such. Other than that, I have a ton of back end crap to try and do at some point – including updating some of my other pages that I have been meaning to for months, like Redbubble, trying to make a side render gallery here, and of course, going through all my Patreon posts in order to try and make it SFW.

Finally,  if there is any chance anyone out there would actually like to help support me and/or my work on all sorts of new content; and/or get access to one of my latest/best mini-sets, (this month gets a choice of any mini-set of choice for the middle $15 tier, and I currently plan to just have it remain like that for what little time my Patreon likely has left) like the remaining finished story sets, and larger versions of the completed animations I have made/posted, and/or the full games I have also made, (the micro VN and Salune’s Slave Training are still available via my Patreon page; not sure what else may come in the future at this point…) check out my Patreon page!: https://www.patreon.com/redleatherart

Any interest, comments, follows, likes, votes, or support really does help. It is hard to keep making new stuff when nobody seems to care. Following me on DA/slushe/pixiv/twitter/whatever doesn’t cost anything – and that all does help spread the word about my work… so please consider doing some of that if you haven’t already.

New September 2022 polls.

Yo everyone. Sorry this post is a bit later than usual, but I took the holiday weekend off, and I am just now trying to get back into everything. (Whatever that means at this point…) My dental issues have all been resolved (for the moment) – so that is better at least; but the weather is acting up a bit right now (humid, rainy)… so we will see how that goes. I am kind of just sick of everything at the moment; it has been super draining to just deal with all the complications popping up lately, let alone work on LITC 6. Even doing things that are supposed to be relaxing feels a bit meh – fairly sure I need to step back a bit before getting back to major work on render stuff. (I know some of you probably think I just haven’t been doing anything; but I have been trying when I can – just mostly failing and/or treading water… even I can’t deny that I am too spent/tired to make progress right now; the last two months have been quite crappy for me overall.)

I am still trying to figure out what is going on with the Patreon forced age verification garbage – but as things stand, I may have to suspend my page at the end of the year if things don’t change. As previously noted, I am not overly concerned for a handful of reasons… but it still seems like a crappy move on their part. I will likely have more updates on all this a bit later.

In other news, I am currently planning to abolish my old schedule system entirely, and make mini-sets rather infrequently when I am particularly feeling the need to (holidays, and/or every few months maybe… I don’t even know); and instead just do whatever I can, whenever I can – while focusing on side renders and story sets… with no specified goals/time limits. I am not 100% certain on this plan yet… but I am about 88% certain. Something has to change, as things are just not working out – nor have they been for many years now; at the very least this new plan should be a lot easier on me… and hopefully lead to better quality renders in theory. I still want to make renders and NSFW stuff – so I am taking rather drastic measures to try and get back on a better track with this project, and hopefully get things to a more sustainable place. More on all this later as well – when I make a more official announcement… this is just a heads up and/or advance preview for those out there who actually read these posts. (Someone seems to… I think.)

As for the polls – there were two last time, one asked about how I should sort a side render gallery, and the other asked about your favorite type of hybrid character. The character poll was no contest, unsurprisingly – and those who cared to vote overwhelming prefer catgirls… as I also do. 😀 As for the other poll, one person suggests sorting by character, and the other wanted me to sort by fetish… so that is still somewhat up in the air; as I think I would have to make too many galleries (manually) if I did it by fetish, but that does seem like a good plan – I will have to look into that a bit more later.

There are also two new polls up – and they are below and on the right; so please vote in those. The first poll is new and asks how you feel about onomatopoeias (sound effect bits, i.e. – *smack*, *whoosh*, *spurt*, etc.) in adult comics/story sets; and the second is a repeat of a very old poll, asking how much clothing you prefer in your adult content. Do please let me know what you think of those – especially the first one… as it will be relevant quite soon.

[Total_Soft_Poll id=”20″]

[Total_Soft_Poll id=”21″]

Also, some longer time fans of mine may realize I haven’t mentioned one other thing that they have have been expecting around now – that is because there is only one real option left there; and I don’t plan on getting into that until I finish LITC 6 (for obvious reasons, if you even know what I am talking about here)… and even then, I am not totally sure when that other thing may get done. (Or perhaps even if, at this stage…)

Finally,  if there is any chance anyone out there would actually like to help support me and/or my work on all sorts of new content; and/or get access to one of my latest/best mini-sets, (this month gets a choice of any mini-set of choice for the middle $15 tier, and I currently plan to just have it remain like that for what little time my Patreon likely has left) like the remaining finished story sets, and larger versions of the completed animations I have made/posted, and/or the full games I have also made, (the micro VN and Salune’s Slave Training are still available via my Patreon page; not sure what else may come in the future at this point…) check out my Patreon page!: https://www.patreon.com/redleatherart

Any interest, comments, follows, likes, votes, or support really does help. It is hard to keep making new stuff when nobody seems to care. Following me on DA/slushe/pixiv/twitter/whatever doesn’t cost anything – and that all does help spread the word about my work… so please consider doing some of that if you haven’t already.