Monthly Archives: July 2018

July Patreon mini-set preview is here!

Hey. I am a bit later than I had hoped to be with this, but still on time. Below is the public preview for this month’s new Patreon mini-set; featuring Lucia and a goat-like beastman. Lucia is traveling to the site of a nearby job when she is stopped by a beastman guarding the canyon; he requires use of her tight catgirl pussy in exchange for passage through… and Lucia reluctantly agrees. (She can’t help but stare at his horse-cock in the preview.) Assorted fun follows, currently of the oral and vaginal type – possibly with more to come… not sure just yet. The mini-set is currently six images, but all the previous mini-sets (and story sets) have ended up much larger than initially planned… so we will see what happens.

In other news, I am working on the new game – in more ways than one; I am attempting to arrange a few other things to make this (and possibly SST as well) even nicer. You may be able to guess what that might mean… patrons may have gotten another hint earlier on; but I do not wish to say more just yet as it is still mostly up in the air and may not work out. I also just fixed one fairly major issue with the current SST build… apparently I had a typo in one of the voice line calls somewhere and it resulted in a crash if someone came across it – I was not aware of this until just recently but I fixed it as soon as I knew, and sent the update to appropriate patrons earlier today. (Sorry, accidents happen… much like the one poll on here being borked for most of the month and me being too busy to notice…) Otherwise, I am looking into the code/core mechanics of the new slave training game and I will see what I can do with this – in many different ways. I am also planning to work in some more voice bits into SST for next month… and possibly make a little something extra if things work out. I should be back in a couple days with the poll review and some new polls.

As per always, if you would like to support me and/or my work on all sorts of cool new future content; and perhaps even get access to several of these mini-sets (or the polls to help decide them!) and/or lots of other rewards too, like the larger versions of the animations I have made/posted and/or the full games I have also made – check out my Patreon page:

Status update: 7/21 – Summer project commencing.

Hey again, Sorry for the large time gap in posts, I have been working very hard in several ways and I probably should have posted a small update here last weekend or so; but back at the time I did not think the story set would take as long as it did. (And by Thursday it seemed silly to post such a tiny update here, so I just waited.) The weather here has been crazy and I have had migraines every day for over two weeks now; and it looks like that will continue. Anyways, LITC 5 is done and it ended up being 63 images, each with a clean and story version. I added two little X-ray bits, as well as some other fun themes and stuff that I could work in with the general expansion. That was sent out to appropriate Patreon patrons of mine last night, along with everything else in the current rewards cycle. I was incredibly tired last night though, so I need to check it over for typos and such again; as looking it over back then almost made it worse. Either way, it is my largest story set yet by a couple images, and I like it of course – even if I could not work in a couple of the newer things I wanted to try. (One wasn’t working properly, the other just didn’t really fit this chapter.) As I mentioned before, it will be a few months at least before I make the next LITC chapter; the original plan was 3 months for this new game – but I am leaning towards more at this point, we will see how it goes.

Anyways, I am a bit late – but I am starting actual work/renders on the new game as of next week; but before that though, the votes in the polls on the right of this page are rather low – so more votes there would be nice. The mini-set preview for this month will likely show up in a week or so – I am rather drained at the moment and need time to recharge. I also have a bunch of other little side things I am looking in to… more on those later if any pan out. I should be back next week with some sort of preview/update.

EDIT: I did not realize the one poll was closed for some reason… and apparently has been stuck that way for weeks as I did not scroll down to see it and was too busy working to notice it otherwise – my bad. If anyone wants to vote in the middle poll in the last week or so before it closes, feel free.

LITC chapter five, “Rest and a Rescue” previews here!

Hi again – I am back once again with the previews for LITC chapter five, “Rest and a Rescue”… sorry they are a bit later than I would have liked; but the weather and everything this past week has been awful here – about 90% humidity and  around 90 degrees F in the US northeast, which means I have had migraines almost every day. (So there has been a limited amount I can do per day on anything with a screen, for this or in general.)

This chapter has Matt being found and rescued by James, Tabitha, and Karen (kind of) – and while they wait for him to regain consciousness, Tabitha sees her chance to get a much needed release from her boyfriend… as well as the need to ensure that Karen doesn’t do the same! Tabitha’s prior ‘meeting’ with Karen didn’t quite give her the sexual satisfaction she is used to – and she feels the need to reaffirm her preferences with James after getting caught with Karen. All sorts of lovey, cuddly stuff is included here; (bit of romance as well) as Tabitha takes multiple loads from her lover in her mouth and pussy – while Karen is forced to sit out this one and not participate, much to her disappointment. (Tabitha is as possessive as she is in love with James – so she tries to keep James away from other women… or vice versa.) There are around 32 renders in the set so far, but I have a few to redo and several left to render – so this may go up as per usual. (Almost certainly, the way these have gone recently.) I have tried a few new details and little things in here with most of the sexy bits, I will see how people like it; but so far I really like it at least, and it should only get better. (I am also trying fully naked characters with this main scene, I will see if there is any sort of public reaction.) I plan to take a few days and finish this up – likely expanding it a bit as well, so I will update this post with the final image count when I send out the finished story set.

EDIT: The full story set ended up being 63 images – over double the original (31 – I counted one image twice back at the time apparently); and that’s even a couple more than LITC 4 was!

As for other stuff, the polls on the right need more votes – and I will start major work on the new game as soon as I can wrap this story set up and send it out to my Patrons. (I have a lot of concept stuff done but not much coding or anything.) More on this a bit later – (and Patrons will get major previews before they get posted here) but again, I plan to take at least three months here to work on this new game project over the summer; and I might even add to that if things go really well in one of a few ways. I mentioned more about the game plan a few posts back, so check that if you missed it. The mini-set for last month (Salune/brown elf) also ended up being 13 images total by the way, for anyone interested in it.

The four public previews for LITC 5 are below; two clean and two story as always. (The actual text may yet change a bit due to expansions and such.) If any of this (or my other work) interests you, or if you just want to help support me, please check my Patreon page and consider joining!


Two polls leave, one poll remains!

Hey again. It’s a new month, and that means new polls! (I am still working on the story set.) The two new polls are up on the right, so vote away, but first, the results from last month’s polls. For whatever reason, the votes were rather low this time around, but I will go with that I have; but do know that I am keeping the middle poll around to get some more votes – the one about important aspects of a female character. (I don’t think that I have kept a poll for two months for quite a while… if ever; so that is a new thing in and of itself.) As for thew other two old polls, the first poll asked about content focus in adult content – and of the votes cast, there was a tie for first place, some thought that it was best to focus on one content type, and others felt a wide variety was best. Taking that with the other one vote for a small variety, I think it is safe to say most people want at least a little variety in their adult content; even if there should be (and usually is) a main content focus. (Variety is a good thing.)

The other poll from last month asked how you felt about established characters showing up in unrelated VNs and such; and the results were rather clear – most of you think they should show up as much as possible… with one vote for maybe a few in set roles. There are two ways to play this; with either the fanservice route, showing all characters as much as possible… or the more serious route, where you only put in a few established characters – and only as would make sense. I tried to do the second one of those with my first little micro VN; and I am not totally sure what I would do in a second one just yet… (though I did have a few ideas) as I decided against that a few months back and have been preparing for this other new game instead. However, I will keep this all in mind.

Anyway, in addition to the one returning poll about important aspects of a female character, there are two new polls! One asks which of these two options you prefer when it comes to semi-randomly generated characters – more visual diversity/customization or more event/content images? (I only have so much time, so I have to focus on something to start with.) This might be kind of extremely important and immediately relevant – so votes on this would be great. The other poll is another fun poll that asks what you would do if Helenya came to visit you in the middle of the night… and gives a wide variety of options! So let me know about those, and I should be back in a few days with the previews from the new story chapter.