Category Archives: Status Updates

Status updates go here.

Happy Easter, new DA/slushe stuff posted!

Hey again. I went ahead and finished/posted the new DA/slushe stuff – one of the two new images is the new one I made for Easter. (Which is why I chose to finish these now instead of later this month – and it is technically on time…) The other new side image is social distancing themed, and you can go check that out if you are interested.

For the random drawing I tried to do, none of the three winners replied within the three days – so I guess that just is not happening. I gave it more than a fair shot – three draws, multiple advance warnings, and plenty of time… not entirely sure what went wrong. Again, I am going to just hope/assume that the lack of responses is due to the coronavirus somehow… but it is still quite depressing. Due to this, I am putting off all other things like that until much later… when things will hopefully be better. (I tried.)

Regarding main rewards, that will likely be in another week or so; I wish I could say later this week, but I really doubt that will happen. I am still a bit behind and rather drained at the moment… but I will do the best I can. Things are just a bit messy right now due to the lockdown here and assorted issues I am having all around. I plan to take a day to recover a bit before going back to finish the mini-set renders. I will send out early rewards to any new patrons though… if that happens in the mean time.

Otherwise, I still am still planning to bring back my special offer from last year at some point soon – not sure when yet. Check back later and I may have more information on that… but it may even be next month, again – not exactly sure. I should be back again in a week or so with something either way.

April polls.

Hey. I am back with some new polls – which are repeats of old polls that I am revisiting… at least partly because nobody really voted in the last set of polls. One of the last two polls had no votes at all – which is quite disappointing… and the other poll let me know that at least the few people that voted seem to like the extra details and such in renders; which I usually try to put in. As for the new polls – one asks what your favorite types of adult content are, and the other asks what the most important aspects of a female character are – with both polls you can pick three different options. It would be nice to get some significant number of votes in these polls… I already wonder if people like most of what I make/post as it is – this is certainly not helping.

Also, I did have to go ahead and do a second roll for the raffle I was trying out – we will see if this person responds within the remaining time that they have to do so… not really sure what I will do if this does not work a second time; I really never thought this would be a problem… and it makes me totally rethink any/all raffles that I was considering – as does the lack of votes in the polls. We will see what happens, and I should be back with some kind of update next week. I hope everyone stays safe during this whole coronavirus mess.

Status update: 3/26 – Mini-set renders done, minor eye issues.

Hey again. Long story short – I finally finished the mini-set renders and sent out main rewards on my Patreon page… but my eyes are having some kind of minor photo-sensitivity at the moment, making it hard to do much on the computer. (Things seem a bit blurry/brighter than normal right now, it’s been going on for two days now… not sure why.) I will see about getting that looked at tomorrow if it persists, but we will just have to see what happens. I am going to try and get the new mini-set preview done before the end of the month, (patrons have a clue what is planned) but it might actually go past that for once if my eye thing gets worse or if something else happens. (The whole world is screwy right now due to the whole coronavirus thing.)

I would also really appreciate more votes in the polls on here… as there are very few votes right now; you may also want to check out the raffle I am hosting on my Patreon page which ends in a few days… otherwise, I should be back next week sometime with the new mini-set preview!

Status update: 3/19 – Slow going.

Hi again. I wanted to stop by with a small update at least – since things are progressing rather slowly at the moment. (Freaky coincidence – I apparently named another status update with “slow going” five years ago, tomorrow… weird.) Anyway, I am still working on the mini-set renders; all sorts of things have been keeping me from doing too much work on that each day – primarily the migraines I get. (I’ve been incapacitated most for of today – looking at screens just makes it worse.) It is what it is though, not much else I can do… and I will get it done soon enough – the whole world is a bit of a mess right now; so at least I am far from alone. I hope all of you are doing well despite the worldwide pandemic thing… and/or that you will continue to be fine/better. 🙂

So I will be back as soon as I can with that – and then the new mini-set preview late this month for sure… (which I do already have special plans for) I am not even sure what else I will have time for at this rate. The polls could really use some more votes as well… and I also posted a feedback request journal on my DA page, if anyone is interested. (The raffle commission will likely be done early next month unless the winner responds within a few hours.) On that note, another reminder that I am having that commission raffle for a standard commission at the end of this month (on the 30th) for all tiered patrons, so check it out!

Status update: 3/13 – Extra January mini-set preview posted!

Hey again, just a quick update here. First of all, I want to point out that it is apparently it is actually Friday the 13th – which is kind of ironic given the “national emergency” that we in the United States are only just now in as of today. (Were I more into horror things, I would likely have made something for this… but horror is not usually my thing so much – so I will just point it out.)

Anyway, I went ahead and posted the second preview for the January mini-set (the Salune/Tentacles one) back in that post, as well as in the mini-set master catalog; so definitely check that out. (I also posted it on slushe/twitter.) I am still working on the current mini-set renders, but I have been having fairly bad migraines each day from the weather shifting up and down 20-ish degrees every few days. The is compounded by the fact that for whatever reason there is no excedrin migraine I can buy to help deal with it… so I am doing the best I can. (There was some kind of voluntary recall by the manufacturer… not sure of the details – but none has been available as far as I know for months now.)

So I should be back sometime next week when that gets done… and once again, a reminder that I am having that commission raffle for a standard commission at the end of this month (30th) for all tiered patrons, so check it out!

March polls, and a status update.

Hey again. I am back as I said previously with the poll results from last time (for what they were) and two new polls! For the old poll results – only one person voted in the short story feedback one… but at least they said it was good; so thanks very much to whoever that was, assuming it was true. (I would be interested in detailed feedback, but that seems unlikely…) The other poll asked about your favorite type of adult scenario – and shockingly, this was almost a total tie. Cuddly sex and non-con technically won with three votes each – but everything except prostitution came in second place with two votes; so I am not entirely sure there is much to be drawn from that poll… but thank you for voting to those that did. I am really not overly sure why nobody wants to vote in the polls here – it takes like three seconds… but the general lack of interest/enthusiasm for something so simple also lets me know that my other plans for contests/raffles and such would be pointless for non-patrons right now (which I already knew from my last contest attempt…) – but I will check again in several months, maybe things will be better then.

Anyway – the new polls are up… and I would appreciate more votes in those. The first poll asks how you like my mini-set master catalog; and the second asks how you feel about the rest of the scene/extras in adult content – i.e. not the actual characters, but other bits in the scene that may help set the mood/tone. Do please let me know your thoughts regarding those, and we will see if things work out a bit better this time.

As for my current progress, I am retrying that animation – we will see how it comes out this time once it finishes; I am giving it a fair chunk of time per frame and redoing most of it just to do it right… hopefully there will not be more crap to fix this time – but there usually is. I will give it one or two attempts, then likely go back and finish the mini-set first if need be; I put myself rather far behind last month due to spending too much time early in the month on this before – so I do not want to repeat that mistake. (I realize/presume I am being far too strict with this one – but it is what it is… this is just what I always do, constantly going back and fixing things after I have already rendered it.) I did also post the newly retired mini-sets on my gumroad page, and updated the master catalog to include all previous mini-sets except this most recent one. So do check that out if you are interested; and for those wondering – I have no idea why the mini-sets keep getting shuffled around on my gumroad page… I have given up trying to fix it since it just keeps jumbling them up every single time for some bizarre reason. (Just use the search thing on there if you aren’t using a direct link from my master catalog.)

Quick recap – I do want to remind everyone about the commission raffle I am hosting on my Patreon page – where one lucky tiered Patron of mine will win a free standard commission on March 30th! (Standard commissions are the ones featuring my characters and/or  generic ones, for those who don’t know.) I have wanted to try something  like this for a while – so I am going to go ahead and test it out… we will see how it all goes. (One of my mid-level Patreon goals is to have these raffles each month, if/when I can get to a point where I will have  the time for that…) For now though, this is a one time special event; and again, all active tiered patrons of mine this month (March) are entered. I will do the random drawing/choose the winner on March 30th. The winner will have 72 hours after the selection/announcement to respond/claim their prize – if  whoever the first choice is does not respond in that time, I will choose  another winner… and so on – if necessary. Whatever the commission is, it cannot cross any of my normal “won’t touch” content types (and I  have to agree to whatever your idea is, of course…), and it will be  public as well… so everyone will get to see it! For quick reference, my patreon page is here:

February mini-set preview is ready!

Hi again. This is a bit later than I was hoping for – but I quite like how this mini-set is going so far, and I think you all will as well. 🙂 As you can tell from the preview below, this month’s mini-set features Faye and a super cute elven courtesan, Delfina! She will be a recurring side character – but I doubt she will be used enough to make her a “main/canon” character… but we will see, I am not sure just yet. (I like her a lot more than I thought I would when I started this.) EDIT: Second preview image added!

As for the setup for this mini-set; back before Faye managed to find a man she could regularly fuck, she had to make do with whatever she could… which sometimes happened to be the best elf whores in the city. When she first started her new job, Delfina (the youngest elf working at the Pink Butterfly, and one of the most popular girls in general) often stopped by Faye’s shop for infertility potions… which she quickly found herself needing each week due to all the customers she was getting. After a couple visits, they agreed on a very special deal. The elf would come by late in the evening on her day off each week and pick up a few infertility potions… which she paid for by servicing Faye with the full extent of her assorted skills! Needless to say, this worked out quite well for everyone… and assorted passionate lesbian fun followed – mostly with the fancy toys the elf brought over each week (and usually pre-warmed). Obviously, I do not know how many images this mini-set will be in the end, but whatever it ends up totaling to, it will go out to appropriate patrons of mine starting mid-next month with main rewards. 😀

Otherwise – I hope to try that animation again in the coming days, as mentioned previously. I have not yet had the chance for assorted reasons, and I needed to get this mini-set preview render finished before the end of the month – so this came first when I finally got time to work on all this. Also, I doubt it will matter to mention it now – but the polls could still use more votes… one has none at all and the other is basically a total tie, rendering both effectively pointless. I will be back in a couple days with the poll review and new polls… so we will see what happens then. It would be nice to get more feedback with those.

As always – if anyone out there would like to help support me and/or my work on all sorts of new content; (like the new slave training game I have posted previews over the past few months) and/or perhaps even get access to several of these mini-sets and/or lots of other rewards too, like the other finished story sets, and larger versions of the completed animations I have made/posted, and/or the full games I have also made. (The micro VN and Salune’s Slave Training are still available via my Patreon page… and I am doing what I can on the new game with whatever time I can spare.) But anyways, check out my Patreon page!:

Status update: 2/22 – March Patreon raffle announced!

Hi. Sorry this took so long – but those animation attempts really ate up my early month render time – so I had to do a lot of catching up this past week. Long story short – the mini-set renders are finally done, it ended up at 34 images and that was just sent out to appropriate patrons of mine! Patrons also got the bonus preview, which I will likely post elsewhere in a month or so – we will see. I think I also still need to list the latest retired mini-set on my Gumroad page… I will try to get to that as soon as I can.

A very interesting/exciting upcoming thing – next month I am holding my first ever commission raffle, for all my Patreon patrons! Late next month I will randomly select a winner from all my tiered patrons and they will be able to claim a free standard commission! (Standard commissions are the ones featuring my characters and/or generic ones, for those who don’t know.) I have wanted to try something like this for a while – so I am going to go ahead and test it out… we will see how it all goes. (One of my mid-level Patreon goals is to have these raffles each month, if/when I can get to a point where I will have the time for that…) For now though, this is a one time special event; and again, all active tiered patrons of mine next month (March) are entered. I will do the random drawing/choose the winner on March 30th. The winner will have 72 hours after the selection/announcement to respond/claim their prize – if whoever the first choice is does not respond in that time, I will choose another winner… and so on – if necessary. Whatever the commission is, it cannot cross any of my normal “won’t touch” content types (and I have to agree to whatever your idea is, of course…), and it will be public… so everyone will get to see it! 😀

My Patreon page is here, for quick reference:

Also, you can get a free entry to the raffle by completely filling out this seven question feedback form (you have to actually try, and give serious answers) and sending it to me via email ( before the deadline. (Limit of one entry per person, regardless of method.)

1.) What is your single favorite content item I have made so far and why? (This could be a story set chapter, animation, character, or a even specific image.)

2.) What is favorite type of content that I make? (Story sets, image sets, mini-sets, games, animations, short stories, something else?)

3.) What would you like to see more of from me? (This can be a character, content type, or a fetish.)

4.) What is your favorite aspect of my work, and why?

5.) What do you feel is the weakest aspect of my work so far and why?

6.) Is there anything in particular you are looking forward to seeing me do? (This could be a certain situation, character combination, the next story arc, or just something like finishing my new game.)

7.) What do you feel is the thing that I do best? (I was thinking like a fetish/scene type here, but I guess content type could work also, or even something like character design.)

So in regard to what remains of this month, I will be back again next week with the mini-set preview at the minimum; but I want to give that animation another go when I can… I will see what I can manage – that thing just eats up so much time. Other than that – more votes in the polls on the right would really be appreciated… one poll had no votes at all as of me posting this… and the other is rather low in terms of total votes as well – and a near total tie even so. I do use these poll results, and low/no results means I have little to no idea how people like different things; if you want me to make more of whatever you like/prefer – I need feedback of some sort… I thought the polls made it rather easy. (Or people could actually leave comments…)

Happy Valentines Day!

Hey again, Happy Valentines Day everyone! I came by with a tiny status update to let you all know that I did finish the other new stuff for today; that is all up on my DA/slushe pages (two totally new renders, some resposts) – and I also finished/posted the Patreon special bonus image and posted that a few days ago. So do check that out, and I hope you all enjoy that new content. I will now resume work on the renders for that Salune/tentacles mini-set, and try the animation some more after that gets situated. I should be back mid-next week sometime (maybe?) with some sort of update… we will see what happens. Otherwise, please do vote in the polls on the right – votes are rather low at the moment.

Also, final notice that my two current sales (commissions/gumroad) end tonight – so do check through the previous few posts for more details if you are interested in that. (As mentioned before, I have no further sale plans for either one in the near future after this.)

Status update: 2/10

Hi again. Sorry for the gap in posts – but I got a new mattress last week and lost two days worth of work on this due to the setup/delivery for that. I have been working on the animation as much as I can, though – and it is currently finishing the final render attempt that I will make for the full thing right now. It will likely run into tomorrow morning now, but I hope/think it might finally be fixed…? However, we will have to see how it ends up. If this attempt does not work, I will put this aside for the time being and finish the mini-set renders and the new DA/slushe stuff first – and likely get back to that later this month or something. (It takes over a day to render like… half of it, even with the limits; it is just too time consuming and I have other stuff that I want to finish before the end of the week – for Valentines day and such.) I do not want to just post the first half of the animation – since I do like what I have in theory… I will see what I want to do when it finishes. Again, sorry for the delay here – but I am trying an animation that is much longer and more complicated than any other that I have done so far; so that complexity and the sheer time required are really throwing me off schedule… especially with the real-life complications.

Also, the special poll on my Patreon page concluded last night – and Salune won that, so I will make a special/exclusive image of her and post that for my patrons soon as well. I also did go ahead and post an additional public preview for the final mini-set from last year – the Zayla/Minotaur one; that is now up over on the original post, the short story page, and the master catalog… so check that out if that set interested you! The full mini-set is still available to my mid-level patrons – and will be for a couple more months still. I also am currently planning to do one other special thing for my Patrons next month… but that is not final just yet; so I will wait to announce that until I am certain – but it likely is something that will interest people. 🙂

There are only a few days left for the assorted sales that I have going on as well; which is to say, the commission sale and the gumroad discount code that I mentioned before. (Check my previous posts for more details.) Those both end at the end of this week, on the 15th – so do be sure to take advantage of those if you are interested. (I do not know when my next sale on either thing will be, so this is likely your best chance for a while.) Anyway – please vote in the polls on the right, and I will be back later this week with something… I am not entirely sure what yet, but there should be new DA/slushe stuff at the minimum.