Category Archives: Status Updates

Status updates go here.

Status update: 5/31

Hi again. May has been a mess – and I wanted to post a status update last week, but there wasn’t anything of note to say yet; so I kept pushing it back in hopes that I could finish something to post here… and unfortunately I just have not had the time/energy to do so.

I have a handful of things in progress, but the written thing isn’t finished and most of the renders aren’t either – the one with the most progress just feels like it needs more… it is hard to explain to people that don’t create content. (It is difficult if not impossible to get something to feel “finished”… as most artists always feel like they can do more/better.)

The only time I can get for extra stuff these days is late in the evening/night, and I have either been too tired, busy, and/or had my weather migraines most of this month… again. (The weather here is in the process of going from 68 to 90 degrees in two days – again.) Honestly, I barely had time to even look over much of this stuff this month, just due to being busy with other things. (You can probably tell by my lack of normal weekly ish updates.) I even had a minor relapse of that cold/flu thing from last month – but it only lasted a couple days this time.

No votes in the poll on the right either… not sure what is even going on here anymore, if anything. I will almost certainly just leave it up for another month – so I may not be back for a while, and there is no way to know what may get done when at this stage… or when. I really want to get something for all this done, but things just have not worked out that way for a while now.

If you want to help support/motivate me in making more content, you can check out my redone Patreon page here:

Any interest, comments, follows, likes, votes, or support really does help. It is hard to keep making new stuff when nobody seems to care. Following me on DA/slushe/pixiv/twitter/whatever doesn’t cost anything – and that all does help spread the word about my work… so please consider doing some of that if you haven’t already.

Status update: 4/30

Hi. As expected, I don’t have anything ready yet, mostly due to being sick half the month; but other factors are definitely not helping either. (The weather here has whipped up and down 30 degrees twice in a week, followed by two days of near solid rain – very bad for my weather migraines.)

There are still no votes in the polls, so I have no idea what to do about the polls for next month – I do not know if the questions are the issue here or what the problem is… but it is not helping my already quite low motivation. Not even sure I should bother with new polls for next month… or maybe just cut it down to one.

I do not know when I will be back, or what I will be back with; we will just have to see what happens.

If you want to help support/motivate me in making more content, you can check out my redone Patreon page here:

Any interest, comments, follows, likes, votes, or support really does help. It is hard to keep making new stuff when nobody seems to care. Following me on DA/slushe/pixiv/twitter/whatever doesn’t cost anything – and that all does help spread the word about my work… so please consider doing some of that if you haven’t already.

Status update: 4/22

Hey again. It has been a while since the last update… but there isn’t a lot to say, really. Just wanted to check in and let you know I am still around.

I literally just got my hearing/smell/taste fully back yesterday, after being sick with something for two whole weeks – and while it wasn’t nearly as bad the second week, I still didn’t feel like doing much. So only now am I back to normal… I hope.

I really am not optimistic about anything getting done this month at this point, but who knows… I will likely post some kind of update before the end of the month regardless. We will have to see what the next week holds in terms of possible content, but I am not going to force anything if things are just not working out. There is always next month.

Also, for whatever reason, there are still no votes in the polls – which is really not encouraging either.

As per usual, if you want to help support/motivate me in making more content, you can check out my redone Patreon page here:

Any interest, comments, follows, likes, votes, or support really does help. It is hard to keep making new stuff when nobody seems to care. Following me on DA/slushe/pixiv/twitter/whatever doesn’t cost anything – and that all does help spread the word about my work… so please consider doing some of that if you haven’t already.

Status update: 4/8

Hey guys. Just wanted to stop by and let you know that I won’t have new stuff posted before Easter – I have had some weird/bad cold or something for 3 days now, and have been unable to work on much of anything, including renders. I do still plan to post something new this month, but it will have to be later – nothing I can do about this.

Needless to say, this is not how I hoped April would start… but maybe things will get better after this.

Still no votes in the polls here either – not sure why… but some votes would really be nice.

I hope to be back mid-month with something new… but we will have to see what happens. I will likely be back in a week or so with another update if nothing else.

As usual, if you want to help support/motivate me in making more content, you can check out my redone Patreon page here:

Any interest, comments, follows, likes, votes, or support really does help. It is hard to keep making new stuff when nobody seems to care. Following me on DA/slushe/pixiv/twitter/whatever doesn’t cost anything – and that all does help spread the word about my work… so please consider doing some of that if you haven’t already.

Status update: 3/30

Hey. I won’t bother writing too much here, but I don’t have anything finished in terms of new content at the moment – for various reasons. I honestly didn’t even look at any of it this past week, in part because I checked the votes in the polls last weekend to try and motivate myself a bit – and there still weren’t any. So… I didn’t see much reason to push myself if I wasn’t feeling like working on all this; hopefully April will work out better all around.

In other news, I have made further progress on various real life stuff, which is great; and I even went down to see the Cherry blossom trees in DC a while ago – which was really neat. Definitely check that out if you can.

Otherwise – I likely won’t be back for a week or so, since there is a 98% chance I will be leaving the current polls up for another month, as there are still no votes as of this post… still not sure why. (I had some minor issues getting access to my site earlier today, I am hoping that is not related.)

Hopefully I can get some new side renders ready in time for Easter, etc – as per usual… but I really can’t even say for sure at the moment. I should have at least a status update on or slightly before then, I would think.

As usual, if you want to help support/motivate me in making more content, you can check out my redone Patreon page here:

Any interest, comments, follows, likes, votes, or support really does help. It is hard to keep making new stuff when nobody seems to care. Following me on DA/slushe/pixiv/twitter/whatever doesn’t cost anything – and that all does help spread the word about my work… so please consider doing some of that if you haven’t already.

Status update: 3/18

Hi again. Sorry for the gap in posts, but there is nothing concrete to post yet, so I kept waiting in hopes I would get more time to work on finishing something for this project but that has not happened yet.

Effectively, I have been using most of my time to take care of various real life things that needed doing, and have made little progress on this content this past week in particular – but the pile of crap that has needed doing for years is much smaller now, which is very good. (As noted previously,  I have made a ton of progress in the past six weeks or so on stuff I have been putting off for years.)

I will be back with another update of some sort before the end of the month; not 100% sure what that will be just yet, but I am really hoping to have something more than just a status update before I start with the new side stuff next month. (It may be the little short story side thing I have been working on – but we will see how things go. I know people want images to go with it, but that takes even more time, etc…)

Other than that, I want to point out that the polls have no votes at all as of me posting this… midway through the month – which is depressing; so do please vote in those – they should be on the right and/or in the previous post. I do take these polls into account when planning new stuff, and it takes almost no time to vote, so I have no idea why votes are so low… but it definitely is not helping my motivation right now to see that happening.

As usual, if you want to help support/motivate me in making more content, you can check out my redone Patreon page here (as I said, more changes maybe coming soon):

Any interest, comments, follows, likes, votes, or support really does help. It is hard to keep making new stuff when nobody seems to care. Following me on DA/slushe/pixiv/twitter/whatever doesn’t cost anything – and that all does help spread the word about my work… so please consider doing some of that if you haven’t already.

Status update: 2/27

Hi again. Sorry for the late update here, but I was hoping to have something more to post than just a status update – however, this is all I have for the moment. The weather has been crazy here this past week; we had gone from 80 degrees to snow in two days – which is horrific for my weather migraines. Not much to be done about that, but allegedly/hopefully the following week will be more stable – this current week it is supposed to rain all week… which isn’t great either. (Weird weather all around the country from what I have seen/read though.)

I have at least made a lot of progress with some real life cleaning, maintenance, etc. that I have needed to to do for… a couple years – so at least I got something done. (This does help everything else, believe it or not – as there are less distractions and less other crap to do.) We will have to see what next month may allow in terms of content, but I do not want to make any promises – I have the same 2-3 things planned at the moment that I have for two months now; but I need enough solid time to work on them. I also still haven’t come up with much else in terms of options/tiers for my redone Patreon page – though I am still trying to figure out something.

Anyway, I will be back in a few days with the poll results and some new polls – so do please vote in the polls on the right if you have not yet done so; they are taken into account and help let me know what you all want.

As usual, if you want to help support/motivate me in making more content, you can check out my redone Patreon page here (as I said, more changes maybe coming soon):

Any interest, comments, follows, likes, votes, or support really does help. It is hard to keep making new stuff when nobody seems to care. Following me on DA/slushe/pixiv/twitter/whatever doesn’t cost anything – and that all does help spread the word about my work… so please consider doing some of that if you haven’t already.

Happy Valentines Day, new side render(s) posted!

Hi all. I am back with one new render this time around, although there is (or will soon be, if you somehow read this right as I post it) a second new(ish) render available on my slushe page as well! (The other image is an old Patreon exclusive bonus valentine image that I had to take down due to my page forcibly being reclassified, so I may as well post it elsewhere.) Sorry I do not have anything else to post this time around, but I do at least have the one nice render for you today – and hopefully you all will enjoy it. That one new render is below, and there is a little story/setup to go with it, which you can read over on my DA/slushe pages! 🙂

As for other stuff, I hope to get something else to post soon – but I have no solid plans for any of it; the weather has been a total mess lately. (I have been working on a small written thing, but I do also want to finally finish LITC 6… so I have no clue when anything will get done or what it even will be.) I should be back in a week or so with a status update if nothing else – so check back for that, and do please vote in the polls on the right if you have not yet done so.

As usual, if you want to help support/motivate me in making more content, you can check out my redone Patreon page here (as I said, more changes maybe coming soon):

Any interest, comments, follows, likes, votes, or support really does help. It is hard to keep making new stuff when nobody seems to care. Following me on DA/slushe/pixiv/twitter/whatever doesn’t cost anything – and that all does help spread the word about my work… so please consider doing some of that if you haven’t already.

Status update: 1/30

Yo. As you can see, there is nothing quite ready to post as of yet, but I have been working on a new short story thing – which I may post soon, depending… really not sure yet. The weather here has been a mess – and this week alone it is bouncing between 20 degrees to 60, with rain every few days; which is pretty much the worst thing for my migraines… so not much has gotten done, nor will it in the near future in all likelihood. I just wanted to post an update here, to let everyone who bothers checking this page know I am still around, etc.

In terms of other upcoming stuff – I am planning to put whatever creative energy I can muster in the next couple weeks into making new side renders for Valentines day in two weeks… so hopefully I will have some new renders to post soon – but we will see how that goes. (Maybe with a little something else to go with it… but no promises.)

Also, I am still trying to figure out what else I can do with my new, strictly SFW patreon page… and I have not come up with much other than what it is yet – but I will continue thinking about it. More vote in the polls on the right would also be appreciated, if you have not voted yet.

As usual, if you want to help support/motivate me in making more content, you can check out my redone Patreon page here (as I said, more changes maybe coming soon):

Any interest, comments, follows, likes, votes, or support really does help. It is hard to keep making new stuff when nobody seems to care. Following me on DA/slushe/pixiv/twitter/whatever doesn’t cost anything – and that all does help spread the word about my work… so please consider doing some of that if you haven’t already.

Status update: 1/19

Hey. It’s been two weeks since my last post here, so I wanted to stop by and let you all know I am still around, etc. – though not much has gotten done since last time in terms of this project; I have had a bunch of real life stuff to do, and the weather has not been cooperating. (I am right in the middle of a big segment of rain or something every other day for like two weeks, along with temperature swings.)

We will see what happens in terms of content in the near future, but I really have no idea what may/may not get done this month (or next month) – there is a bunch of stuff I want to do, but little time/energy/motivation to do it. On that note, more votes in the polls on the right/previous post would be appreciated. Maybe I will just suddenly feel like making something, as used to happen much of the time – but I have just felt out of it in general for at least half a year now. No set schedules now though, which is quite nice – but I will likely still try and do side renders every other month at the minimum,,, though even that is not set in stone.

As before, if you want to help support/motivate me in making more content, you can check out my redone Patreon page here (as I said, more changes likely coming soon):

Any interest, comments, follows, likes, votes, or support really does help. It is hard to keep making new stuff when nobody seems to care. Following me on DA/slushe/pixiv/twitter/whatever doesn’t cost anything – and that all does help spread the word about my work… so please consider doing some of that if you haven’t already.