Hey again. Happy new year and all that, if it is a bit late. I had a horrible weekend or I would have posted sooner. Anyway, two new polls are up now which relate to two of the things in the title of this post, but more on that in a bit. Before that, let me review the old polls. One poll asked what type of VN people preferred and most people definitely wanted the standard VN and/or a choose-your-own adventure style VN over the other choices. This is fine, as those were my top two choices/options anyway and will likely happen whenever I can get to that. The other poll was less productive; it asked what type of animation people wanted to see. Votes were low in both polls, but unfortunately this poll was one vote away from a complete three-way tie. So unfortunately I have no real direction in the animation department; but I will likely do at least one more basic walking animation before trying anything more complex. (No guarantees though.)
So all of this leads me to the next main point, and that is the idea I have been considering recently; about keeping my current two-month per main set schedule even once I get over all this health related crap just to give myself time to make other types of content. Since I can do more complex things now, and/or just make animations at all, I could use the offset month to make animations and/or some type of VN/game content. As I have mentioned before, making any type of game or even just working on a game would take time and effort that I used to not give myself back before this whole health fiasco started. I used to try and get out one story set per month back when I could actually work more; but that left no time for anything else.
As things have gone recently, I have needed two months to make a set just due to my physical limitations, which I am desperately hoping are soon coming to an end. So that hopefully being the case, I now have to consider whether or not to try and resume my old schedule in a couple months, or if I should keep things as they are and do other things as well. So the two polls up now are your way of possibly helping me decide this. One poll asks what your favorite type of content is, and the other asks whether or not you agree with my two-month per main set plan. (I.E. One month for making animations, working on games or whatever else, and the second month for the main set; then repeat.) Votes in these polls are rather important and would be greatly appreciated; though unless there is some strange outpouring against it, I currently plan to do the two month thing.
In regard to RTL 8, I am still working on it; but I have a terrible habit of going back to add/fix things which makes it take longer. (And as noted earlier, the past few days have been horrific and totally unproductive.) Also this is the first of what will surely be a few awkward transition sets in terms of me getting used to my new hardware. So just know that this set will not necessarily look like that much of an improvement compared to previous sets, as the main scene was made on my old computer and it seemed too good to throw out by the time the new one was ready. I have used this limited, old machine to make renders for almost nine months now and this new computer will take some getting used to, as many of my old limitations are now substantially higher than before; so I have to get back into my old mindset of actually creating larger scenes and more complex images, which I had been unable to do previously in Octane.