August Patreon mini-set done, preview here.

Hey. I started small and did the mini-set for the month, here is a public preview; the rest of the images stay on Patreon. It is five images of Helenya playing with an elven slave boy and it will get sent out at the start of next month to appropriate processed patrons. If you enjoy my work, please consider supporting me on Patreon to get early access to most of my work and even bonuses like these mini-sets; Everything put forward helps support me and make my work better! There are also the various special events that I plan to do next month (as long as my health permits). I have already posted to my Patrons about everything that I plan to do next month; so if you are deathly curious there is that too. Some things will be public, some things will be Patron only.

I hope to finish chapter six in the coming days but this is still really rough to work on right now. I have a week left; I should be fine to finish it.

EDIT 8/25: Final renders for RTL 6 are halfway done… I may be able to get more done today, I will see. Having some memory issues with rendering stuff from the second scene… have to cut back a bit to fix it.

EDIT 8/26: Final renders for RTL 6 are at least 2/3 done, probably more but I can’t say until I see the final count. I fixed the memory issues and the rest of the renders should be smooth sailing whenever I can get well enough (in less pain) to finish them.


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