Hi everyone, I am going ahead and doing a black friday sale on my gumroad page for a little over two days, starting now. The following discount/sale code – “rlablackfriday” should be working now, (I hope/think, let me know if there is an issue with it) and I will disable it on December 1st; it is good for 33% off anything in my gumroad shop. This is a great chance to pick up any older mini-sets/bundles of mine that you might be interested in!
I did just update my mini-set master catalog on my site to include the two most recent mini-sets, and also added mini-set 58 (the Helenya/tentacles one) to my gumroad page! My gumroad page is here: https://gumroad.com/redleatherart
Other than that, I am still working on the new mini-set preview and I should have that ready soon; so please vote in the polls and check back later this week!