Hey there. Sorry for the long pause in posts here; I got food poisoning back on Monday and spent several hours throwing up – that left me incapacitated for two days and I lost a third day catching up on assorted things after that. Then once I got back to work on all this, I made the call to redo the mini-set I was working on because I felt it would be far more appropriate with Helenya in it. Long story short, I made this mini-set originally with Salune and another slave character, but it just felt like it should have been Helenya instead; so I restarted the mini-set and I think it came out much better like this. I normally try to not double up on major characters in these Patreon mini-sets, but this really just felt appropriate – so consider this a treat. (Maybe residual ideas from working on that anniversary set, I dunno.)
The mini-set now features Salune being seduced and toyed with a bit by Helenya; but nothing that breaks the rules Zayla gave them. (She left Helenya explicit instructions to never directly fuck Salune’s cock or pussy; as she was afraid that Helenya’s inhuman levels of sexual skill/stamina would damage her somehow and/or tamper with her loyalty to Zayla…) Of course there are many other ways to play with a toy… and Helenya has some other interesting ideas that hopefully won’t get either of them in trouble later. This mini-set is currently seven images and a lot more fun now than it was before in my opinion.
Other than that, I hope to get the new DA stuff done tomorrow/monday since it got pushed back as well; but I think this redo of the mini-set was for the best. (The food poisoning was out of my control of course.) EDIT 10/24: I meant to post this last night but forgot – one of the two new DA images I wanted to make for halloween just isn’t behaving right now, (I gave it one more chance last night) and I really need to focus on work for the new story set at the moment; so the new DA stuff is postponed until next weekend, when I hope to have some time to fix it. Either way I should be back towards the weekend with a status update or early next week with the preview post for the first chapter of the new city story arc. Vote in the polls if you haven’t yet!
A repeated warning as well: I plan to retire most of the old mini-sets soon; which is to say that the $15+ patreon tier will no longer have 10+ mini-sets and the one story set included… it will only have the most recent three. This will not necessarily happen in early January as it did before; it may happen in early December or even November depending on assorted factors. I will not announce exactly when this will happen to avoid having people jump in at the last second – instead, I will say that This month (October) is the last month that all these mini-sets will still be included for sure. So if you were thinking about becoming a patron of mine at the $15 tier (or above), sooner will be a bit better than later for a while. It is only right that I cycle out the old mini-sets every once in a while; otherwise it is unfair to my current patrons who support me each month. Most artists do not even include previous month’s rewards on patreon as I currently do – they just post them for sale on gumroad or something. (I am looking into posting groups of the old mini-sets for sale in a bundle somewhere.) I do also plan to have another Patreon mini-set poll either next month or in December, to decide the topic of that month’s new mini-set for my mid-tier patrons – so that is also something to consider if that idea interests you; I am considering changing how I work those polls as well, but that may not be ready before this poll happens… we will see.
As I usually end these with, if you want to support me and my assorted works and maybe even get access to these mini-sets and/or lots of other rewards too, (including the full 1.02 release of my new game) check out my Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/redleatherart