Status Report, 8/1

Hi again. I am doing somewhat better, but still unable to sit/focus for long enough to make major progress on this next chapter. (I am making minor progress.) I hope to get it done in the next week or two, but that just depends on how long this lasts. Whenever I do get it done, I will send it out to the appropriate, processed Patreon patrons then instead of waiting until the end/start of the month. (Only because of this whole weird situation; this will not be a normal thing.) There is also the free release of RTL chapter three next week, so check back for that.

On the somewhat positive side, all this time stuck doing nothing has given me plenty of time to think over general plans for this project, (I have the next few sets planned out in fair detail already…) as well as a great many things that I plan to do next month. (September, not August.) As for why I plan to do things next month; technically speaking it will have been a year since I started working on this project then, so I was thinking that some sort of celebratory thing will be in order. I have a few things planned, some small and some large; one of which will involve the Patreon only set for that month (I consider this a large thing), the rest I won’t spoil now. I will likely share most of my plans with my patrons sometime this month in a small post on Patreon. So if you want to get in on everything and help support my work, check out my Patreon page: ( Some things will be public though, so don’t worry.

Also, I will likely update the polls sometime in the next few days after all, so please vote now if you still haven’t for some reason.

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