RTL chapter five status update

Hi. I just thought I’d stop by and leave a quick update regarding my progress in the latest set. There were a bunch of weird weather problems here yesterday and multiple brown-outs prevented me from making much progress. I got much more done today, but final construction still has a day or so of work to do. The set looks like it will be finished sometime over the weekend, if I don’t go overboard again somehow.

Votes in the polls are still rather low which is weird, it would be nice if those could get some more votes before the start of next month. The poll results usually have at least some direct effect on future sets; so if you want to see more of something, votes really help that happen.

EDIT 6/26: I ended up putting more into these scenes than I initially intended again, it may be done over the weekend but will likely run into Monday/Tuesday. So after I wrote that, something went horribly wrong with the poser scene file and most of the scene got fucked up. I had to spend an hour or so trying to fix everything, and there is just no way anything else is getting done today. I would think this will definitely go into Monday now at least due to lost progress and having to fix everything.

UPDATE 6/28: Main scene construction is done, I just have to do the final renders/postwork now. I have made some extra time to make sure it gets done by the end of the month if at all possible, so it likely will be posted sometime Tuesday. This isn’t typical, but I had some awful real life issues on Fri/Sat to deal with and could make little progress, plus I lost much of the work I already did when all the figures in the scene got fucked up on Friday. Blame all the rigged tentacle figures that have hundreds of dials that can easily fuck up everything if just one gets auto-tweaked wrong. (Almost all of them had this happen on Friday.)

6 thoughts on “RTL chapter five status update

  1. myself

    the only thing i find funny is the low amount of votes in this poll, maybe most people dont care what kind of sex it is, as long it is sex 😀

    1. redleatherart Post author

      The low votes in both these polls is rather depressing, especially considering the 100+ votes in the previous sets of polls. I can only guess as to why nobody has voted, maybe it is just that simple and that people don’t care much about the type of sex situation depicted, (or my characters page) but I find that somewhat hard to believe…

    1. redleatherart Post author

      Uh… why? I was agreeing with what you said, even though the thought is somewhat depressing. If the prior polls are to be believed, the majority of people want to see tentacles… so there is nothing wrong with loving tentacles. Also you are the only person to constantly comment on my site, so I have no problem giving you more of what you want when possible since you care far more than most people. Incidentally, I am just now finishing up the postwork on the new set… I should be done today. Whole lot of tentacles in this one… you should be happy.

        1. redleatherart Post author

          Oh. Don’t worry about that too much, that is mostly just poser not behaving sometimes and especially when you have duplicates of a rigged figure in a scene. I may have gone overboard by putting in so many tentacles, but it’s done now. Hopefully people will really like it.


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