RTL chapter twelve, “Sisters’ Reunion” complete!

Hi! As the title mentions, RTL 12 is done and it is currently 35 images; though around 5 of those are unrelated to the main scene and explain other things happening to the main characters. I had some odd issues with a few things in here, and I need to tweak a few things still and see if I can get it any better, but even so I think this set came out very nice. I think (?) this is my first all girl full size image set; (I am not counting my third image set from way back whenever) and it’s pretty good considering that. It features the elven sisters from a few of the RTL sets engaging in assorted lesbian fun in their final planned appearance; along with a new friend that I threw in mostly because someone bothered to ask. (0_0) This is also a happy set overall, in comparison to the semi dark tones/content of most of the other RTL sets. As mentioned before, there are also a few assorted images and references to how the more major characters are doing and how things lead into the next arc; but that isn’t planned to start until next year or so. (Although my patrons know two upcoming characters already, even though one was previously mentioned directly in RTL at one point.)

In other news, next month should be very interesting for several reasons. I plan to update the polls here and post some stuff regarding next month’s project on my patreon in a few days; so check back for that and do vote in these polls if you haven’t done so yet, last chance!


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