Hi again! Sorry this is several days past what I was hoping for, but I have been very busy dealing with all the voice work and assorted things; and good news – what I need for Salune in the short term is now ready, so my main objective for last week was accomplished. 😀 I was also trying to make a new animation though – and I have been trying these past couple days to get that working. Despite having some issues with the other segment of it that I wanted to put in; I do have something done… and I added sound! (If it works/plays right – never done video files on here… this is new to me; it is after the break in this post below to save bandwidth, and also to prevent… incidents with the sound. No gif this time, just the webm because of the sound.) This is a little animation of Salune sucking off the blind, dark-skinned bandit guy from a few of the other mini-sets/scenes; and it is also a bit of a preview of Salune’s voice. (Kind of…?)
I wanted this to be a little longer, like the one new service animation I made for the game that my patrons got a preview of; but the second segment just looked off – and I don’t have the time to redo it again right now, (the new audio/SST is my priority right now) so I cut it to just this bit. I think it still looks good and is worth posting; and I needed to test the sound aspect of this also. (My first time combining video and sound in a very long time; and my first time posting video on here.) I might update this later if I can get that other bit working; but for now this is what we have; and whatever it ends up being, my mid-level patrons get the full size version, as usual. Hopefully you guys like this, and I hope to make more voiced animations later on; and I still think this is pretty good for a first attempt at that. 🙂
As for other stuff; I am currently working to put in a bunch of these new voice bits into SST – and I should have that mostly situated and be able to send it out to my Patrons sometime midweek… after that I hope to finally get back on track to working on the other game; but there are still one or two characters worth of voice work that needs sorted. (Not sure what is going on with the one…) Also, you should all check out my Patreon page if this (or my other content) interests you and/or you would like to support me and help me make more sexy content! (https://www.patreon.com/redleatherart) I should be back later this week sometime with a status update and then the week after that with the new mini-set preview and the new DA stuff! So definitely vote in both the polls and check this out if you haven’t already for some reason!
So the clip is after this break; and again – sound warning. 😀