Some new polls for April 2022.

Yo. I am still working on the mini-set renders when I can, but the weather has been a total mess all weekend – and it is still supposed to rain again in two days. Hoping/aiming to get that situated by the end of the week, but we will see how that goes.

As for the polls – last time there were two; the first asked if you all wanted a side render gallery here on the main site… and it seems like most of you are in favor. I do want to try and make that whenever I can get the time… but that would also take a fair bit of effort just due to the number of side renders I have made; and I am not entirely sure I have *all* of them in the backup folder I try to keep for those – I may have to go to DA/slushe to get some of the older ones. Not sure if/how I would want to break that up, either – there are well over 100 side renders at least… I feel like I should at least break it up by character or something.

The second prior poll asked what sex scenario type you prefer; and the clear winner was “Lusty, rough/mindless sex” – with a three way tie for second place, between “Hypnotized/brainwashed sex“, “Standard, consensual sex“, and “Loving, extra cuddly sex“. This is good to know – and I will try and work in some kinda content soon-ish to do something for the fans of “Hypnotized/brainwashed sex” – since I don’t think I have done much with that so far. (I have plans to… but you likely know how that goes by now.) The other three top answers are all the normal stuff I do most all the time, with a bit of non/semi-con mixed in… so I think that works/fits well. I do want to thank all those who voted last month – it was nice to see a decent number of votes in those polls for once. 🙂

As for the new polls – those are up as well,  both on the right and below here; so do please vote in those now! The first of the new polls asks what your breast size preference is; and is a revisit of an old poll that I haven’t done for almost two years… so it is time to check that once more. The second poll asks which of the given pairings is your favorite in adult content – which covers most bases except Male x Male… which I have no interest in doing. (Not totally into the idea of Male X Futa either – but I would maybe at least consider it… so I at least gave that option.) These are pretty straightforward, and I apologize that these are a bit late – but apparently the new poll plugin I have been using the past couple months got a total overhaul… again – and as before, it makes far less sense and functions about half as good as before; so I can barely use it now. I may have to revert back to the simpler, old poll plugin if this doesn’t get resolved; the way this newer one is currently laid out is downright nonsensical compared to how it was when I found it three months ago. (I can’t figure out how to do half of what I want anymore, and I think some of that may have been taken out intentionally to try and get people to pay for it… which is really shitty.)

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Coming Soon
Which pairing is your favorite in adult content?
Which pairing is your favorite in adult content?
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Coming Soon
What is your preference for breast size?
What is your preference for breast size?

As for other things – I will start on the new side stuff once the mini-set finally gets wrapped up; I have a handful of ideas that I want to try and fit in this month if I can… we will see what happens.

And as per almost always, if by whatever chance anyone else out there would actually like to help support me and/or my work on all sorts of new content; and/or get access to one of my latest/best mini-sets, (this month is a mini-set of choice for the middle tier) like the remaining finished story sets, and larger versions of the completed animations I have made/posted, and/or the full games I have also made, (the micro VN and Salune’s Slave Training are still available via my Patreon page; not sure what else may come in the future at this point…) check out my Patreon page!:

Any interest, comments, follows, likes, votes, or support really does help. It is hard to keep making new stuff when nobody seems to care. Following me on DA/slushe/pixiv/twitter/whatever doesn’t cost anything – and that all does help spread the word about my work… so please consider doing some of that if you haven’t already.

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