New February 2022 polls.

Hi. I am back with the poll results from last time, and the two new polls for February. There weren’t many votes in the last set of polls – (as has been the case for a few months, really) but the votes were in favor of major plot developments, and wanted to see more funny/wacky situations in future short stories… so I will take that into consideration.

Besides that, there are two new polls up – the first asks how you like my master catalog page, and the second asks how much attention you pay to the background/props in adult content. Both have a good variety of answers – so do please let me know your thoughts on both of those.

Now, in regard to people not voting much – I am still trying to figure out if there is anything to be done about that; but I have an idea – I am going to post the polls in here as well as on the right, (since I can apparently do that with this new plugin) so people can see them easier. Maybe this will help, who knows – I may as well try it. So… please vote in the polls below, and let me know your thoughts here. 🙂

[Total_Soft_Poll id=”7″]

[Total_Soft_Poll id=”8″]

No idea when I will be back, and what the context will be – likely I will either be back with the new side renders for Valentines day, or the mini-set renders from last time will be done. I am thinking that I will likely have to take some time out of that to do the side renders in time though – but we will see. (It has rained for two days straight here now – which isn’t great for me and my migraines… but hopefully the weekend will be better; I do want to make side renders for Valentines day, as I have done for years.)

To end this post, if by whatever chance anyone else out there would actually like to help support me and/or my work on all sorts of new content; and/or get access to one of my latest/best mini-sets, (this month is a choice of whatever mini-set you want, for the middle tier) like the remaining finished story sets, and larger versions of the completed animations I have made/posted, and/or the full games I have also made, (the micro VN and Salune’s Slave Training are still available via my Patreon page; not sure what else may come in the future at this point…) check out my Patreon page!:

Any interest, comments, follows, likes, votes, or support really does help. It is hard to keep making new stuff when nobody seems to care. Following me on DA/slushe/pixiv/twitter/whatever doesn’t cost anything – and that all does help spread the word about my work… so please consider doing some of that if you haven’t already.

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