Hey again!
I finished that last mini-set a couple days ago and sent out Patron rewards – the mini-set ended up at 24 images, though there are a good number of alternates in there. My patrons also got an additional preview from that, which may get posted publicly later – not entirely sure yet, but probably. I am working on the new DA/slushe images – and hope to get those done over the weekend at the outside, and then do that one Patreon bonus image from the special poll that is currently up on there. (That won’t get posted anywhere else.) I did also post several more images to my pixiv page, and some recent updates to my slushe page – though none of that is new to anyone who checks my stuff frequently… but more likes and such there are appreciated. 🙂
I was considering a few other special things for the current time frame (the next month or so) – and I am still thinking those through… I may still do some of them, but I truly have not decided on much of it. I would recommend checking back here fairly often though – just in case. 😀 Either way, I should be back within a week with something new… and the new mini-set preview will likely get posted late in the month. Happy Holidays, everyone… just in case I am not back before Christmas. (I should be, but just in case.)
Also, I now have a Curious Cat page, here: [https://curiouscat.me/RedLeatherArt] if anyone wants to ask me stuff and has not already done so.