Hi again. I just came by to let you all know that I went ahead and finished the mini-set master catalog! It is here: [https://redleatherart.com/wp/?page_id=2758] This page currently has all 60 of my current finished mini-sets on it – with a concise description, image count, major content tags, any previews, as well as links to the original post and the applicable gumroad page(s)! (I wanted this page to be short and to the point… but I may add/adjust things later if need be.)
It was actually very shocking and/or awkward to go through all of these… and see how much things have changed over the years; and it also made me even more aware of my recent skill/quality increase. (This is to be expected I guess… but still; your recent work really looks so much better after going through everything you have ever done.) I admit some of the content tagging on the old mini-sets could be a bit better… either due to missing tags or just things I didn’t think would be enough of a thing to tag back at the time. (There may also be a few minor errors in there somewhere… as the page is brand new and I am too tired to check though all of it again; but I will double check it in a week or two.) This was very draining to do, but it really needed to be done… and I am actually quite happy with how it turned out; so hopefully this helps you all easily browse/navigate my many mini-sets! 😀
Anyway… if anyone wants to check out the catalog and/or possibly throw some support my way by buying something, that would be great; all the links redirect to gumroad, [https://gumroad.com/redleatherart] so it is all secure and whatnot. (I can’t afford an SSL certificate for this site, and my hosting does not support the free SSL stuff… I checked.) The more recent mini-sets are still available via my Patreon page, so those are listed on there but not yet available for individual purchase. (I also give out coupons for my gumroad shop to Patreon patrons – of varying discounts.) My most recent mini-set is not on there yet as it is not finished. Obligatory Patreon link: [https://www.patreon.com/redleatherart]
I will be back with an update of some sort next week sometime… in the mean time, please check out my new catalog, the polls on the right, and/or my other pages in the meantime!