Hey everyone. I just wanted to pop in and give a quick status update. Everything so far is going according to plan; (the keywords there being – so far) so I still hope to have that other little thing done next week sometime… (which would get a preview here) assuming that I can get the voice work sorted by then. So it might go into the week after; I cannot say for sure just yet – as most of it does not depend on me, especially right now. (I have sent out the first scripts and I am currently waiting for the actual voice lines to get done.) I do still hope to have that and an update to SST ready before rewards go out early next month though; and so far that still seems to be on track.
So please vote in the polls on the right if you haven’t yet… and keep checking back to see what I can get done in the next two weeks or so – depending on how everything with the voice work turns out; and assuming that nothing goes horribly wrong… again.