Hey! Sorry this is rather later than I had hoped but I ended up re-rendering most of the story set yet again for reasons that should never have happened, and frankly I am not sure how it even did. However, I did end up adding an extra 50% to it though; it went from I think 32 originally to 46 total now. So that likely all came out for the best in the end; that story set was fun to do even with the assorted messes. That new story set and everything else from before was just sent out to appropriate patrons of mine; and now I can work on the new things I had planned for this month, finally.
I am hoping/planing to redo/expand the intro for the game; as well as add in something else if that gets done in time. I may also try another animation… it just depends what I have time for and how the game related plans work out. I also hope to be back next week sometime with a new mini-set preview as well as some sort of update.
The polls are going rather well, so keep that up and do get your votes in if you haven’t yet. I should be back sometime next week with some update.