Hey again. So as the title mentions, I just sent out the new and significant update to my most recent game last night to my Patrons and while most of the changes are important internal ones, there are a few more visible updates as well. A few bugs have been fixed, the endings re-balanced again, the stat screen now has a day indicator at the top, just in case you skipped past the popup; and the cg gallery has improved controls. Perhaps most notably, I got the password system working properly so it is now included, and there is now the option of manually unlocking all the cg images if you get stuck; though this does not play the dialogue and other bits of the scene – only the cg image. (There are too many minor stat variations and such to most scenes to really allow for a scene replay; and I do not want to give incentive to not play the actual game, as that is the point.) I always wanted to include this just in case there was a scene or two that players simply could not find/unlock – and now that is a feature. So between this significant update to the full game and the demo that I made, a lot got done last month – and I still have a few other things to work in to the game when I can find the time.
As for this month; I have just sent out the Patreon mini-set poll and will get the results from that at the end of this week – this time the actual scenario of the mini-set will be decided by my Patrons while the main female subject will be decided by me. While that goes on, I will work on the new DA images for this month; I hope to have that done in time for Valentine’s day, but we will see how that works out. The mini-set preview should get done early next week and then I hope to move into the next story set with the time remaining. So while all that happens, please vote in the polls on the right if you haven’t already; and do check out the demo for my game if you are interested but have not already done so.