Hey again. Sorry this is later than I’d hoped but yesterday was really rough and I slept in today. Long story short, the game is at what I am calling beta 0.6; although about 70% of the actual image content planned for the base game is in the game now. (75% of the training scene sets are implemented; though I do plan to expand the written bits for some of the early ones.) There is still of course other stuff to work out like the stat balancing and the endings; but I did get the “anal training” scene set in the build I sent out last night to my patrons. That was pretty fun and has a bit of fisting at the end because why not. (People wanted that according to a poll a while back.) The game also has a title screen now; though that may still get updated a bit. (The words, not the image I don’t think; I like this one.)
So that went better than I thought it would given that mess last month, and I will see what this month holds for the game beta in a week or so; for now my patrons are voting on which mini-set idea will become a full size image set, and it looks to have been decided already. (Most votes were for one option; more on that later next week I hope.) I really am not sure what else will happen this month, as I am waiting for three/four people to get back to me about different things… and have been for weeks in most cases. So the game beta is doing pretty well and there will be a ten(ish) image story set for mid level patrons starting next month with a preview image here; maybe two, one clean and one story… not sure yet. I have all kinds of ideas and possibilities on the table in terms of other content and stuff I have been thinking about… especially given something coming up rather soon; I am planning to mention some of this to patrons before mentioning it here, so I don’t know when most of you will get more details. Please continue to vote in the polls here and leave comments with any questions/concerns; I plan to post again next week with an update at the minimum, hopefully with a preview of the not so mini-set for the month.