Old polls results, big monster poll brought back!

Hi again. I totally forgot to mention/consider the poll results/new poll in my last post, so I came by to sort all that out quick. I am still working on the game and seeing what I can/want to put in regarding the randomizer and a few other things while renders/re-renders finish. I hope to have one new public preview to post here towards the end of the week/weekend; so check back a bit later for that. Regardless, the old polls are done and most people want me to finish this game first, rather than start the next story arc; which as I mentioned I planned to do anyway just to get it done, so that is good. The other poll was a repeat of a very old one, asking about breast size preference. Strangely, this was essentially the opposite of the original one, with most people preferring large-huge. Some upcoming female characters in the next story arc will have both ends of the spectrum covered; (the one with huge tits will be introduced first, though that was already planned long ago) so I think this will all work out since many of the girls in already are on the large size in terms of bust size. In case that was not clear, there will be at least one new main character with average/realistic breasts in the next story arc; just not for a while.

In other news, I brought back another two year(ish) old poll; the big monster poll! (Due to the massive size of this poll, it is the only one this month.) This is a new and updated version of the old poll, with all the old stuff and some new things too! All the stuff listed on here is stuff I either can do, have already done, or would do. (So there are no dud/impossible options.) You can vote for up to SIX things in this poll, so make your votes count. I use these polls to see how popular certain things are, and this one in particular will be rather important so make sure you vote for your favorite stuff. I think I covered damn near everything, but if there is something in particular you want that isn’t on that list, leave a comment and if it is something I can/would do, then I will consider adding it!

4 thoughts on “Old polls results, big monster poll brought back!

  1. myself

    could the new busty girl be a monster/demon girl? something like Zayla’s rival and Helenya elder sister/Superior? :3

    1. redleatherart Post author

      I am not sure if you are making a new suggestion or slightly/ironically mixed up; Zayla is the one with the older sister, and that doesn’t come in until much later on. If you were making a suggestion, I am still planning some of the mid-level baddies in the next story arc, (might do votes for a few, not sure yet) so I may put in another demoness or something; I can’t say for sure yet. Evidently the people who bother to vote want to see bigger tits, so I will take that into consideration when planning future stuff. (Though I kind of leaned that way with character designs already.)

      I really do want to put in a monstergirl or two somewhere, but other than a few specific examples like Lucia, there isn’t much I can do well enough without Zbrush, which is expensive. Most of the other monstergirl things I could do now are not main character material due to physical restrictions and such. (Nagas, mermaids, etc.) I don’t plan to work any of that in particularly soon, but if interest in my work picks up and people want it, then anything can happen; in the mean time, I will see what I can do and see how this poll goes.

      1. myself

        of course it was sugestion , šŸ˜€ I mean Zayla’s reign has to be contested from time to time, oh and when I said Helena’s superior, I mean Ex superior before she meets Zayla šŸ˜›

        1. redleatherart Post author

          I thought so, and I will keep another demoness in mind as a possibility somewhere sooner than I previously had; (I did have another one planned already; but way, way down the line) but there will be all sorts of other baddies and such in the city that Zayla (and everyone else) will have to deal with as it is. šŸ™‚


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