Category Archives: Status Updates

Status updates go here.

Status update: 12/18

Hey again. I am back with an update – just so you know what is going on, and that I am still around; it is a bit later than I had planned, but the reason for that is just below this… my last week has been a wild mess. Long story short, I have had no time for anything still – and my mother had her hip replaced last week, so I have been super busy doing even more crap than usual to help out due to that. (I had to stay up all night to take her to surgery at 6 AM, and then there were numerous other things to take care of later that day… and I can tell that I am still out of it from that and doing stuff to help her all of the following days.)

I honestly don’t think I will be able to have anything done in a week at this point, as I am super tired and out of it all around – I am making typing mistakes, which is unusual and bad for me. I wish I could be more hopeful, as I usually try to be… but I have to be realistic here. We will see what happens, but honestly, I was not aware of this surgery complication until late last month… and I just have to kind of deal with it since no one else can. I wish I had more positive news… but it is what it is.

As for my general plan… I truly still do not know; this year threw me for a loop in a lot of ways – and as mentioned before, I really have trouble justifying the time/effort/cost all this takes these days… especially when I was never overly popular to begin with. I will be back later in the month with another update if nothing else.

If you want to help support/motivate me in making more content, you can check out my redone Patreon page here:

Any interest, comments, follows, likes, votes, or support really does help. It is hard to keep making new stuff when nobody seems to care. Following me on DA/slushe/pixiv/twitter/whatever doesn’t cost anything – and that all does help spread the word about my work… so please consider doing some of that if you haven’t already.

Status update: 11/30

Hi again. I wanted to stop in with an update, even if there isn’t much to update on. I still haven’t been able to work on renders or anything – though this wasn’t really a month where I planned to regardless. I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving, etc.

We will have to see what happens next month – I am genuinely not sure at all; I want to make some kind of holiday/Xmas render… but nothing has been working out for months now. Who knows what might happen at this point… but we can see how everything goes. I am also still on the fence about possibly hanging this all up at the end of the year or so… but we will see what happens with that as well; there are many possibilities, and the idea of just walking away entirely still is not appealing to me… but I may not have much choice, as I have just not had the time/energy to do anything for this in months. I may just occasionally post stuff in the future without a set schedule, as many other artists do… or change my plans/strategy yet again – I have to think about it.

I will be back early next month with an update if nothing else.

If you want to help support/motivate me in making more content, you can check out my redone Patreon page here:

Any interest, comments, follows, likes, votes, or support really does help. It is hard to keep making new stuff when nobody seems to care. Following me on DA/slushe/pixiv/twitter/whatever doesn’t cost anything – and that all does help spread the word about my work… so please consider doing some of that if you haven’t already.

Black Friday 2023 gumroad sale.

Hey. I am back with the gumroad coupon for my usual black friday sale.

The code this year is: rlablackfriday2023

And that will/should get you 47% off anything in my gumroad shop – so use it while you can! This coupon code works from now until Tuesday, November 28th (EST). (You have about five full days.)

As before, this coupon is the highest public discount I have offered for my gumroad page so far – and since everything regarding this project has kind of been falling apart this past year, this may very well be the last sale… so if you want to get any/some of my older mini-sets cheap, this is likely the best and/or last chance you will ever have.

Do feel free to check the mini-set master catalog on the top of this page for more info on each mini-set, or to find stuff you like – if you are interested in my work or any of my mini-sets.

I will probably be back at the end of the month with a status update, but there isn’t much to report on so far – not much has changed since last week.

If you want to help support/motivate me in making more content, you can check out my redone Patreon page here:

Any interest, comments, follows, likes, votes, or support really does help. It is hard to keep making new stuff when nobody seems to care. Following me on DA/slushe/pixiv/twitter/whatever doesn’t cost anything – and that all does help spread the word about my work… so please consider doing some of that if you haven’t already.

Status update: 11/18

Yo. I just wanted to check in again, even if there isn’t much to say – just letting you all know that I am still around, etc… I really don’t want to just vanish without a trace, as some artists have done before. (I always felt like it is better to at least let people know your plans, worries, etc – rather than disappear and leave them wondering what the fuck happened to you; I have seen that far too many times over the years… and yes, things do happen sometimes, but still.)

The weather here is still being weird – but there may be hope in the future, it is hard to say… regardless, I am really uncertain as to how I can really do much with this anymore; just doing what I need to do takes up most of my time these days. We will just have to see what happens – but… I am seriously considering basically just putting all this aside at the end of the year now; not that I have done much render work this year, but still – I have been trying to work on things, and that is still unnecessary and pointless additional stress on me at this point. This was never profitable or popular anything – so it is not like I am losing much per se; and it is just at the stage where I don’t have time anymore, regardless. We will see how things go – but I am just tired in general; this year has been a mess and a blur at the same time.

I will be back at the end of the month with a status update, if nothing else… but I do plan to have my usual black friday gumroad sale at some point around black friday as well – and this very well may be the last one I do; so if for whatever reason you want any of my old mini-sets, and do not yet have them, consider getting them whenever that sale goes on – likely late next week.

If you want to help support/motivate me in making more content, you can check out my redone Patreon page here:

Any interest, comments, follows, likes, votes, or support really does help. It is hard to keep making new stuff when nobody seems to care. Following me on DA/slushe/pixiv/twitter/whatever doesn’t cost anything – and that all does help spread the word about my work… so please consider doing some of that if you haven’t already.

Status update: 10/31 – Happy Halloween!

Hi again. I wanted to just make a post to give an update and say Happy Halloween, even if I do not have anything new to post at the moment. The weather here simply is not cooperating, and I have been quite busy/tired anyway – and forcing myself to make things never goes well, so I am choosing to just do a text post again… so at the very least you know I am not dead, etc. (For reference, the weather here was 80F four days ago – and is now 50F… with a lot of humidity/rain/wind the past few days; it is super strange, and really bad for my migraines.)

I really don’t even know what is going to happen with all this at this stage, honestly; as noted last post, everything just kind of fell apart this year for various reasons beyond my control. We will have to see what happens… but things this year have obviously not been working out.

I will be back with another update in a week or two if nothing else… but I truly do not even know what my plan is in terms of content for this project until Xmas due to missing this – and even then… I may just decide it is time to fold in at this point. I do not like that idea, but I don’t really see much choice at this stage; I knew going in to this that it would end eventually… nothing lasts forever – but I at least thought I would stop because I got tired of it, not due to a general lack of time/energy.

Also, I will probably just leave the poll up again, since there are so few votes, not quite certain yet.

If you want to help support/motivate me in making more content, you can check out my redone Patreon page here:

Any interest, comments, follows, likes, votes, or support really does help. It is hard to keep making new stuff when nobody seems to care. Following me on DA/slushe/pixiv/twitter/whatever doesn’t cost anything – and that all does help spread the word about my work… so please consider doing some of that if you haven’t already.

Status update: 10/16

Hey. Just checking in again to let you all know that I am still here. I have yet to get anything notable done on renders so far this month, as I have been busy and/or hindered by the weather most days. (I have another of my weather migraines today due to the incoming rain tomorrow.) I have always done the Halloween renders each year as far as I remember though, so I really want to do that if at all possible – and I think it is still definitely possible; I just need to get solid free time to do it where I don’t feel like shit for one of several reasons. However – things are allegedly going to be better for the next two weeks, so there may be hope.

And as per usual, more votes in the poll would really be great.

I will be back before the end of the month with a status update if nothing else, but hopefully with some actual renders… I know it has been a while since I posted anything visual, (apologies for that again) but everything about this project seems to have just fallen apart this year for various reasons; there really is just nothing much to be done about most of it – especially about Patreon changing their policies against NSFW creators, and then rejecting/ignoring the opinions of their NSFW creators. (As many have said before would eventually happen, Patreon used NSFW creators to make their platform a success; and now that they think they no longer need those NSFW creators, they are slowly pushing them out entirely – one stupid and ignorant policy change at a time…)

If you want to help support/motivate me in making more content, you can check out my redone Patreon page here:

Any interest, comments, follows, likes, votes, or support really does help. It is hard to keep making new stuff when nobody seems to care. Following me on DA/slushe/pixiv/twitter/whatever doesn’t cost anything – and that all does help spread the word about my work… so please consider doing some of that if you haven’t already.

Status update: 9/30

Hi. As you may have guessed if you saw my update on my site from last week, I unfortunately have not been able to work on anything yet. We had a tropical storm go by the northeast US last weekend, and I had really bad headaches for four days because of that alone… and then I got them again on Thursday until today due to the weirdly high humidity in my area. I am really hoping that all this wild weather crap is over now, and that I can make stuff for October – but this whole summer has been an awful mess overall for me. I hope you all have been doing better than I have. Really hoping I can do my usual Halloween stuff at the very least; I have been super busy and burdened with my weather migraines for months now – it has been quite annoying. We will have to see what the next several weeks have in store.

Also, thanks to whoever voted in the poll, but more votes are always appreciated; I plan to leave this poll up for a while again, since votes are low.

If you want to help support/motivate me in making more content, you can check out my redone Patreon page here:

Any interest, comments, follows, likes, votes, or support really does help. It is hard to keep making new stuff when nobody seems to care. Following me on DA/slushe/pixiv/twitter/whatever doesn’t cost anything – and that all does help spread the word about my work… so please consider doing some of that if you haven’t already.

Status update: 9/20

Hey again. I just wanted to check in quick and give a minor update. The past few weeks have been more of the same – hot and busy… so no real progress yet. The weather may finally be cooling down here, which is great – though there is a storm with heavy rains going by this weekend, so I am not exactly optimistic about the immediate future… but there may be hope for next week, we will see what happens. Regardless, I just wanted to check in and let you all know I am still around, etc. – some of my favorite artists have at some point gone MIA for a while, with no explanation… and I know that is very frustrating, so I really try not to do that. Thanks for your patience, either way.

Still no votes in the new poll, but I guess that just may be that way at this stage… however, please do vote if you haven’t yet.

If you want to help support/motivate me in making more content, you can check out my redone Patreon page here:

Any interest, comments, follows, likes, votes, or support really does help. It is hard to keep making new stuff when nobody seems to care. Following me on DA/slushe/pixiv/twitter/whatever doesn’t cost anything – and that all does help spread the word about my work… so please consider doing some of that if you haven’t already.

New poll for September 2023!

Yo. Sorry this is later than I had planned, but the last few days have been a huge mess for various reasons – yesterday in particular was beyond weird. I had to spend 6 hours troubleshooting someone else’s PC – only to find that the problem was a corrupt core system dll – which effectively could not be fixed… so I had to reinstall windows on a computer that was barely a week old. Add that to the super hot/humid/stormy weather, (about 100 degrees F for three days now) and things have not been going great… but we will see what happens in the coming weeks.

Anyway, for the last couple months, I have had the character poll up – and there weren’t many votes cast… but it was a tie between Nylavi, Helenya, and Belle. Rather surprised by all of that, really – and I will keep it in mind… but the low votes must also be taken into consideration; still, thanks to those who did vote.

Regardless – there is a new poll up, and it is a revisit of an older poll from almost two years ago, asking how you feel about pregnancy/impregnation in adult content, with five different options. Let me know your thoughts on that please, and we will see how this poll goes!

Otherwise, I will be back sometime before the end of the month with some kind of update – I don’t want to say in a week or mention anything specific, since I have no way to be sure right now… and the last few months have been a hot, busy mess; but I should definitely be back before the end of the month – just to let you know I am still around, etc.

If you want to help support/motivate me in making more content, you can check out my redone Patreon page here:

Any interest, comments, follows, likes, votes, or support really does help. It is hard to keep making new stuff when nobody seems to care. Following me on DA/slushe/pixiv/twitter/whatever doesn’t cost anything – and that all does help spread the word about my work… so please consider doing some of that if you haven’t already.

Status update: 8/30

Hey. As you can probably guess, I have not had time to really even work on renders this month – let alone finish anything; I have been super busy with real life stuff, and the weather has been mostly crap as well. Last week was one of the busiest weeks I have had in months, somehow – and I am just spent both physically and mentally; when I have trouble typing, and bump into things a lot, I know I am too out of it to do much. Forcing myself to work on anything now would be pointless, so I have little choice but to just wait; apologies to those who actually check this and have been waiting, but these past few months have just been a humid/stormy/busy mess all around – for a lot of people, it seems.

We will see what next month holds, but I will post a new poll in a few days at the minimum. With that in mind, this is the last chance to vote in this poll, so please do that if you haven’t.

If you want to help support/motivate me in making more content, you can check out my redone Patreon page here:

Any interest, comments, follows, likes, votes, or support really does help. It is hard to keep making new stuff when nobody seems to care. Following me on DA/slushe/pixiv/twitter/whatever doesn’t cost anything – and that all does help spread the word about my work… so please consider doing some of that if you haven’t already.